Truth or Dare

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You were hanging out with the seven besides leo (because you know why if you read BOO) Everyone was in a circle. Piper snickered at you because she figured out you had a crush on a certain son of Hades, but he didn't know. "Hey let's play Truth or Dare,"' Piper suggested. Hazel was sitting next to Frank and Frank was explaining the concept of T or D. Everyone agreed to play.

"Alright I'll go first! Jason truth or dare," Piper asked him.
After a couple rounds of T or D, Hazel had to act like a duck for the rest of the day, Piper and Jason had a makeout session, and you had blue hair. "Alright my turn, (y/n) truth or dare," Leo asked. "Truth," you said proudly. "Who's your crush?"

Piper's eyes lit up. "Uh..." You blushed.

Nico looked away, not expecting you to say him. Truth was that Nico liked you. Everyone knew it but you.

"I like Nico," you whispered. Then Nico looked up at you. He blushed.

"Really," he asked.

"Yeah" you said blushing.

"Good because I like you too."

Then he kissed you. It was nice and passionate. You smiled into the kiss as Leo made "whoot whoot" noises in the background.

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