Chapter Four: The Dream

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Chapter Four: The Dream

Usually James is the first one up and he gets out of bed and gets ready for class before he would come back to the bed and wake me up softly and then let me get dressed and the boys stay clear of the bathroom until I was showered and dressed. Then James and I would leave before anyone else woke up and we’d go to the library until the rest of the school got up and running. To the rest of the school it just looked like we woke up early and met each other in the library before breakfast.

It was a good system that had worked perfectly for three years. Apparently all things changed with time because we forgot to factor in one new thing: Gracie had spent the night and had nothing else to wear.

The way I was woken up this morning was not at all pleasant. I could hear Gracie’s muffled voice and the curtain rustling excessively. James groaned and pulled me closer to his chest. Now I was completely awake but I didn’t want to move away from James. His body was warm against mine and it was way more comfortable than any blanket could ever be.

His hand rested on my hip digging his thumb into my skin softly. “Make them go away, love,” he whispered his voice gruff from the lack of sleep we got. Paired with his accent it was so hot I buried my face in the crook of his neck to prevent him from seeing my blush.

“It’s morning, James,” I reminded pulling away from him and pulling off my camo half-shirt and sitting up. “We still have classes.”

James sat up behind me and I felt his finger tracing over the tattoo on the back of my left shoulder. It was simple, only three words written in a cursive style the same silver-blue as my eyes. “'Non timebo mala',” he read softly his hand still on my back.

“I will fear no evil,” I translated pulling back the mattress and grabbing my duffel bag that we hid under the bed and pulling out some clean robes and a towel. “I’m gonna get ready and explain how things work with Gracie. You need to get up.” I opened the curtains to see that Gavin was still asleep; Logan was donning his cloak and Kade just waking up.

Kai must’ve been in the bathroom because Gracie was sitting alone on his bed. She jumped up when she saw me and rushed over to me still in her black skirt and orange sweater from yesterday. “Ella do you remember how to transfigure clothes because I don’t have anything to wear and even if we were in the same house you’re legs are so much longer than mine I’d probably be wearing your skirt as a dress!” she exclaimed hectically. “And the guys are absolutely no help!” We did have very different figures. She had a longer body and larger chest and longer arms so my shirts would fall short anyway. Her legs were proportional to the rest of her but she was right when she said mine were longer. I had a short body but my legs made up for it.

Grabbing her hand I pulled her into the bathroom and kicked Kai out. “The bathroom door stays closed or I will turn you all into Horklumps,” I declared before closing the door and locking it. “Okay Gracie, we have to shower and get ready quickly before the rest of the school wakes up. Then we’ll sneak out under the Invisibility Cloak and go to the library, we don’t have a lot of time.”

“Okay, you shower,” she decided heading to where I had my hair stuff set up. “I’m straightening my hair. Where’s your make-up?”

“Gracie you know I rarely wear make-up,” I repeated for what felt like the hundredth time. “I have some lip gloss and a few different eye-shadows I never use but that’s it. When you’re down with your hair and make-up I’ll change your clothes.”

We got ready at record speed and I threw on some Sprite flavored lip gloss and my camo boots. My hair was curled in its normal, wild fashion and I had the sides loosely pulled back with a butterfly clip so that loose strands still framed my face. Gracie looked great with her pin-straight black hair and though I’d transfigured her clothes into her robes she had insisted on keeping her black stilettos on. I winced at the thought of wearing those deathtraps.

Non Timebo Mala-I Will Fear No EvilWhere stories live. Discover now