Chapter Five: The Potter House

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Here it is! As promised the next chapter! I know it's been a long time and I thnk all the fans who stuck with me and sent me messages. I appreciated each one of them and they're what got me to finish this chapter. Hopeflly it'll make up for the wait and I'll try to write the next one as quickly as possible!

Chapter Five: The Potter House

Lily and I raced through the halls. I had to find Albus and bring the two of them to James who was waiting in the Headmaster’s office, using the fireplace to send word to his parents. Then I had to go and pack a change of clothes because I was going with them. Headmaster Roddenberry was reluctant at first but James insisted that he needed me there.

“Do you think my daddy is going to be okay?” Lily asked watching me with those brown eyes that were so similar to her eldest brother. Lily looked just like her mother with her red hair that framed her sweet pale face. A few freckles dotted across her nose and when she smiled two little dimples appeared on her cheeks. It was easy to see why James was so protective of her. Besides the fact that she was his little sister, she was uniquely kind and found the good in people that no one else could. She was too trusting according to James, but I just thought she was sweet and she had every right to be.

“Don’t worry sweetie, your dad has been through much worse than this,” I reminded squeezing her hand reassuringly. “There is nothing he can’t handle. The only reason we are going down to see him and your mom is because they want to make sure all of you are safe.”

We had just passed the library on the way to Gryffindor tower when Lily bumped into Scorpius. He caught her before she fell over and helped her stand up.

“Sorry,” he muttered keeping his eyes down. “And I heard about what happened and I hope your dad is okay.”

With that, Scorpius left. It was strange when he acted like that, but it wasn’t uncommon. It was actually the real reason that I didn’t want James to hurt him. Even with all the terrible things he’s done, I know he has a good side. I had seen him at his worst but I had seen him at his best too and I knew if he wasn’t provoked, that side of him would show more.

“Ellie! Lily!” Albus called after us. He ran the rest of the way down the hall to meet up with us. “There you are! One of my friends said that dad got hurt! What happened? Is he okay?”

“Al, calm down,” I declared grabbing his hand and pushing the two of them towards their common room. “Go change out of your uniforms and go to the Headmasters office. James is there and then we will all go to your place. Everything is fine, just go.”

They listened and said bye to me as they made their way down the hall. I went in the opposite direction to my common room to change out of my robes.


After I had changed out of my school robes and packed a bag with my books, my wand and the letters I hadn’t had the chance to read from home, I left the Ravenclaw common room and headed towards the Headmaster’s office. Lily and Albus would already be there since they were traveling by Floo Powder. James and I, however, would travel by broomstick. It took a few hours but for some reason I wasn’t able to use Floo Powder. I did everything that I was instructed to do but when I stepped into the flames they turned from the harmless green to a very real, very harmful fire.

I didn’t mind though. I liked to travel by broom. It was nice to just to feel the wind rush past me and the freedom it brought. Of course, James was the one who did the steering I was just along for the ride.

Taking the long way to the Headmaster’s office, I past by the Great Hall where dinner was in full swing. I stopped to tell Victoria and the boys that we were leaving for the Potter house. They wanted to come with to say bye to James but I advised them against it. There were some girls down the table that were eyeing them like candy and I didn’t want to ruin their night. I hugged Victoria quickly before heading over to where Gracie sat with her Hufflepuff friends. Gracie kept sending Kai flirty looks past two tables, only stopping when she caught sight of me.

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