Story interrupted

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So this is probably not at all what you guys expected or maybe even wanted but while writing the actual story I like to play around with supporting characters and write things from their perspective. This isn't James' POV either. The direction this story is going, if there is a James POV it won't be until the end. However, some of the things in this (I guess) chapter should clear up some of the assumptions you have already made. I am still writing the original story but I do like to play around with chracters like this because as a whole it makes the story stronger. This chapter is actually from Kade's POV. Not KAI, Kai is his twin brother. Ella and James are not really in this chapter at all though it does talk about them. There may be scenes that might make some readers uncomfortable I guess, if you're uncomfortable with love between to men. Personally I feel that there is not enough love in the world to discount true love between anyone. And I will step off my soapbox now and let you actually read. I will be posting the next real chapter as soon as possible but I figured this would be a nice treat. The rating is still PG-13 so don't worry about anything too scandalous. Have fun!


PS- Please do read this. It took a lot of work and I believe it's beautiful and that you will enjoy it. :-)

Kade's POV

Aaron came waltzing back into the Great Hall, having chased Ella out when she left to find James. The prat had a self-satisfied grin on his face that made me want to knock it off. We had told him time and time again to stay away from Ellie, James couldn’t stand that the kid tried to get Ellie not to trust him. Thankfully Ellie was smart enough not to trust that prick.

            Honestly, the girl was brilliant but she could be so dense when it came to people. She couldn’t see the way that James looked at her was the same way she looked at him. She never noticed how he stays up until she falls asleep just to make sure she doesn’t have a nightmare. She never saw how Kai looked at Gracie or how Gracie used to avoid looking at Kai because she was scared of liking someone as much as she liked him. She still doesn’t know about Vic and Gavin hooking up over the summer, even though it’s clearly written on their faces every time they’re near one another. She didn’t even know how much of a wanker Aaron was.

            It wasn’t because he was a Slytherin that we couldn’t stand him, though that was a convenient cover for the real problem. No, the Slytherins’ were not the issue.

            I pushed aside my plate, my appetite suddenly gone. Thinking about the Slytherins had another problem rearing its way into my mind. A pair of haunting hazel eyes that kept meeting mine across the Great Hall. He really wasn’t being as subtle as he thought he was. For someone as cunning as a Slytherin, I thought he’d be able to keep his cool. And they call Gryffindors the impulsive, emotional ones. I couldn’t help my smirk.

            Gavin and Logan were busy flirting with some 5th year girls and Vic was busy ignoring it. Kai had long since gone to sit with Gracie to meet her other friends at the Hufflepuff table. None of them even noticed when I got up and left.

            But those hazel eyes followed me all the way to the doors. Honestly, that boy had no control. I wasn’t even waiting in the corridor three minutes when he came rushing out of the Great Hall. He didn’t see me leaning against the wall as he stopped in the middle of the corridor trying to figure where to look.

            Some of his long, dark hair was pulled up and out of his face in a small pony tail, which is why it was so easy to spot those eyes of his. Sometimes they were so light they were almost gold, other times they were so dark his pupil nearly disappeared. It was like his English and Chinese heritages were fighting for dominance. Framed by thick lashes and his heavy glasses, the color only seemed to pop more. He was biting his bottom lip as he looked around and the thoughts that it inspired would make a whore blush.

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