Chapter Thirty: Love Diagnoses and to be a Man

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  • Dedicated to My Sister

 First things first. Question: Do you perfer shorter chapters(1-4pages) or long chapters (5-10)? Your feedback and opinions are needed! XD

This chapter is dedciated to the girl who even though, I literally beg her not to read this story, she does read it every single time, and then tells me why it's crap, and then checks up to see if I post another chapter.

Yeah, this chapter is dedicated to my sister, who just yesterday told me that my chapter 28 (the 10 page one) was utter crap and it inspired her cause she saw me sitting w/ my laptop w/o a care about how crappy it was--and I I could do it, then she can type without a care of her less crappy story. 

Hope you guys like this chapter!

Ps. This was suppossed to be two seperate chapters but I combined them, so if the transition isn't clear, I apologize.




            “Didn’t they warn you?”  I inquired, popping the lollipop in my mouth. I tossed the wrapper in the bin by the vending machine. “I don’t mess around when I mean trouble.”

            The nurse didn’t seem to be intimidated by my words and casually smiled. She was young for a nurse. Pretty too. “Apologizes if I don’t seem to care about that—wait, I’m not.” And sassy.

            “And I thought nurses were supposed to care.” I shrugged, moving in closer to her. I was a head taller than her, my lips were leveled with her forehead.

            “Nurses are,” she admitted, and then she lightened her tone into a whisper. “But I am not a nurse.”

            My brows shot up, amused by the outcome. “Care to enlighten me?”

            “If you hand over the lollipop, then there is a possibility.”

            I obliged, and she tucked the lollipop between her red lips, and then let out an exhale. “I needed a sugar rush,” she told me.

            “Sugar rush?” I echoed back, entertained by her joking manner.  She was just the person I needed to lighten the tension around the hospital. “That single lollipop gave you a sugar rush?”

            “Like those two cans of beer made you drunk. That’s right I saw what you did Mr. Pretty Golden-boy,” she shot back. “And I can hold it against you.”

            “It’s cute seeing a good cop failing to be bad,” I teased, easing my hand on the lollipop stick. “You’d have to try a lot harder.”

            “And you think you can teach me?” She realized the lollipop from her mouth, and it once again became my possession. However my appetite for it evaporated, and I dumped it in the trash.

            “I can show you.”

            “Yeah, it’s real badass to throw a perfectly good lollipop in the trash,” she smirked. “It’s almost criminal.”

            “Glad I proved it,” I chuckled, and turned on my heel. I tucked on hand into my back pocket and pulled out my phone to check for missed calls, well I had some missed messages, but none of them from Alana. Just a bunch from Eve.

            “Hey wait up! Where you going?” her hand clutched my arm tightly and angled me in her direction. It quickly loosened when she noticed she had my attention. Her cheeks were red, and reminded me of cherries. “I mean, why are you here?”

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