all over AGAIN (fruits basket fan fic )

617 15 5

by: Melanie sanz

torhu's p.o.v

oh look the prom is this Friday. then kyo said "who cares its not like I'm going". when we got home I went up stairs to my room and sat down looking at the flyer. Then yuki walked through the door. "Oh hi yuki" I said. "oh Hello sorry to walk in without asking I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the prom with me on Friday"he asked. oh yuki yes "told him.

kyo's p.o.v

dammit I can't get her out of my head I thought to my self walking down the hallway. then I saw torhu's room's door opened. It's never opened. torhu I ran in. she was covered in rat boys friends ( cute baby rats) . then you came behind me and said " idiot she was just laughing". then rat boy went down stairs his friends( rats) left. As always she had that smile on her face. so what you smilen about. "yuki asked me to prom" she said. "wait what" dammit that rat boy got to her before me. "kyo are you alright" she asked me. "yah".

torhu's p.o.v

I saw momiji run in. "oh momiji" torhu. he ran towrards me. "dammit momiji" than punched him to the floor. "waaahhhh" he cried. "kyo's hitting me" he cried.I just feel bad for momiji. He gets hit every time he comes here or near me. :_( But kyo there is someone new " (he got cut off by kyo) " dammit momiji shut up ". then the dam rat came in and he pist me of more than momiji.

yuki's p.o.v

I heard screaming up stairs. so I went up stairs. when opened the door and momiji was sitting on the floor, with kyo standing over him and yelling. then shigurie ( don't know how to spell his name) :( .

shigurie p.o.v

"oh momiji I warned you kyo is up here ". "your so full of it" he told me as he does every day. "lesson lesson" he said. "there is a new sohma family member found in Africa she is at the house right now" he said.kyo said "I don't care its not like see is a zodiac or anything". momiji" but she is ".

kyo p.o.v

I wonder what zodiac she is but don't care. Momiji has to get out of here before I pound him to the ground again like I will do to yuki.

(at school on thursday)

the word got to the prince yuki fan club. what? our yuki going to the prom with her.but why?  tell me you heard wrong.  no. I thought we told her we have first dibs. look there is torhu one of them said. well I thought we told you we had first dibs. "what" she said? you know exactly what we said. oh right you mean yuki asking me to the dance. the fan girls jaws droped. what did you say yuki asked me to he dance."hello" yuki waved. the fan club girls ran up to him. is it true you asked torhu to the dance. he replied "yes". the fan club girls ran away.

Friday( prom)

yuki p.o.v

shigurie said " hurry up you don't want to be late ". then kyo said "not like I'm going anyway ". "not really "I said out loud. then he said" you stupid rat". I heard laughter. so I turned around and there was ms. honda in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen her in. I said " you look beautiful."thank you yuki no one has ever said that to me" she said.

( kyo jumped out the window and climbed on to the roof)

'come on we don't want to be late"."right" she said.

now kyo is on the roof thinking

kyo's p.o.v

If only I asked her out first.but you know what I have to fight for the one I love.(viewers sorry if that sentence was too corny there was no other way to put it)

at prom

kyo burst through the door. that's it rat boy your going stupid idiot can't you see everyone is having fun. but if you want to fight I have no choice to hold back.they fought until momiji burst through the door.and when her opened it a giant tiger jumped over his head onto the prom floor everyone ran in fear. Except kyo and yuki. Tiger layer there staring at them. until the tiger started to glow and then...................

kyo p.o.v

she is human? we all looked away when the bright light ended cause we knew what would happen. but torhu didn't look away. "she is wearing a dress" torhu said in a quiet voice.I looked at her she is beautiful. we met eye to eye. "A sohma".


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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