The nether?

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(writers note) just to let you know this chapter is sad and confusing so don't get mad at me if nothing makes sence

Aphmaus POV

I had fallen asleep in somekind of bed. When I woke I was in a very dark but hot room I felt the stone on the wall, nether rack. But how I left the nether and anyone who entered the portal had to enter willingly. So How did I get here but I felt the floor it was cold wait how is this possable nether rack can't enter the over world. The room starts to lighten I hear 3 voices, 2 of them are mens voices the 3rd was a girls. When they saw I was awake one boy left so it was just the girl and the other boy they both had masks on so I could not see their faces. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT I yelled. The two looked at each other then toke off the masks.

??? POV

Good to see you again aphmau

Aphs POV

G.....Gene S.....Sasha. How are you two alive I killed you and the guy Zenix.

Genes and Sashas POV (g and s pov)

Yup it's us little aphmau, She looked as if she was crying but trying to hide it. What do you want she yelled again I thought I killed you. Nope and Zenix is not dead either, we called Zenix in, well care to explain to aph what's going to happen to her Zenix

Zenixs POV

I would be happy to I laughed, well aphmau as you know I am ruling the nether. She nods in disaporval, I was thinking on being a king and every king needs a queen. Aphmau started crying her Hart out I left since gene and sasha new her better and they were best friends when they were little.

G and S POV

Well aphmau are you ready to be a queen We asked and looked at Zenix we sighed when he was out is sight. NO NO I would nevery marry him she yelled. Shh we whispered she looked at us confused, we are still your friends aph we had no choice or Zenix would have killed us. Aphmau looked at us she huged us because we were in the room with her. Thank you she whispered sadly, now please tell me why Zenix wants to marry me. He belives you have a power and that power could be his by marrying you and he fell in love with you before you left. Dose he now I have a lover she asked. Me and sasha were laughing now, let me gess it is Laurence right. Y......yeah I fell in love with him a long time ago. Sorry aph we got to go make it look like we beat ya up or something or We are dead. We left the room and locked the door, I wish we could let her go we both whispered.

(thank you for reading this it was hard to wright but I mean can zenmau be a thing please have a good day/night my shadow kights)

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