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Amber’s POV

My stomach growled in hunger as I waited for the bell. Due constant laziness and tardiness I forgot to eat breakfast. And to rub salt to an open wound, my last meal was yesterday afternoon due to the fact that I played online games till I passed out without eating dinner.

Finally the bell rang and all students including me ran off the cafeteria. I didn’t bother to apologize if I bumped or pushed someone in the way.

“Yo Amber! In hurry?” I looked behind and saw my best friend Taeyeon.

“Yeah! I’m so hungry as a bear!” My stomach growled in agreement which made Taeyeon laughed.

“Geez! You forgot to eat again last night! You’ll get sick if you kept on skipping meal.”

“Whatever.” I shrugged as I waited my turn in the line.

We both saw our other friends  Seulgi, Irene, Min and Tiffany at our usual table. “Hey guys!” Taeyeon greeted as we sat.

“Hey Amber, where’s Hyomin?” Irene asked as she shove a sandwich in her mouth.

“We broke up.” I deadpanned as I concentrated on my own meal.

“Oh yeah!” Irene said as she held his hand towards Min and Seulgi.

“How much?” I asked. These three always bet on how long my relationship was gonna last. For some kind of reason, I can never kept a relationship for a month.

“Thousand bucks.” Min replied as she placed the bills on Irene’s open palm. I was shocked to see that even Taeyeon and Tiffany also placed thousand bucks each.

“Seriously? You two?” I sent an accusing glare to them.

“Well .. I really thought that you’ll make it past a week this time.” Tiffany explain. “Hyomin’s such a nice girl. What the hell did you do this time to scare her away?” She questioned and I just shrugged. I may be a player but I always keep my relationships private.

“You owe me a new PS4 game Irene!” I said. Since they were betting on me, I should have some winnings too. “And a beer too!”

“Of course! First round on me on Friday!” she exclaimed in delight. Friday night was beer night and this week, Irene’s hosting in her place. “And just let me know which game you want.”

“So ..” Seulgi my girl counterpart started. But unlike me, she just uses girls for her release. “You guys have dates for the thanksgiving ball? It’s a month from now.”

“Come on Seul! You just want to boast your new girl. No need to rub it in our faces.” Min said. If there’s one thing that this school’s great at, it was party.

“Well.. If you have a model girlfriend that as hot as mine then you’ll be doing it too.”

“There’s this girl that I wanted to ask but I’m afraid she’ll say no.” Taeyeon replied.

“How can you say that if you haven’t asked her yet?” Tiffany replied.

Oh my goodness! These two have a thing dor each other for ages. They should just go out already. However, they can’t since Tiffany was brought up in a very strict environment – Christian and was still in a closet and Taeyeon had just came out.

“I’m not going. I’d rather play games than bore myself to death.” I replied.

“Oh come on Amber! You’re just saying that since you don’t have a date to drag with you.”

“Whatever .. You know I can get anyone I wanted.”

“Oh yeah you can.” Irene said in a challenging voice.

The BetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon