Chapter 6: Stalking is Socially Unacceptable

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The night sky was beautiful, each star trying to compete for the brightest spot in the sky. A small energetic wind blew threw his spikey pink hair and toyed with his black and white plaid scarf around his neck, his hands were in his pockets as he leaned back and continued to walk looking at the stars. Before he knew it he was standing in front of Lucy's apartment, there were no lights on in her room—obviously—because she was still stuck in the infirmary. Master didn't want her to leave for the next few days to see if anything else would happen, Natsu had been avoiding the guild since he and Gray had talked. He didn't want to see what would happen if he went around Lucy, so he visited her apartment instead.

Waking up in the middle of the night, his mind wouldn't be quiet so he decided to go for a walk and found himself here, it had only been a day and he missed Lucy with a passion. A small puff of white formed in front of his face as he breathed out walked around to the side of the house. Looking up he saw the window was slightly ajar, like it always was so he could come see her. Jumping up onto the first ledge he got his footing and jumped once more to grab the window sill and haul himself up. Using his right hand he shoved the window open as he sat in the window frame.

It was surprisingly cold in her room; Lucy always liked her apartment warm. Maybe it was because the window was open Natsu thought as he let himself fall backwards onto her soft fluffy bed; his feet still sticking up in the air he carefully close the window he had just used to come in. It was still cold and it bothered him for some reason, not in the sense that he was actually cold, but it felt irregular to have this place a different temperate other than warm. With the lights off it was harder to see and quickly figured out that running into things with his shins was the only way to get around the place.

Finally reaching the door he turned on the lights and looked around his second home, he loved this place, not because of the bed but because of something else he couldn't put his finger on. Shrugging he went and raided her pantries to see if there was anything to eat, and boy-oh-boy was there food, Lucy must have gone shopping before she went to the guild because he noticed all his favorite foods in there. With a broad smile he grabbed the food and laid it out on the table, he quickly began to stuff his face when he remembered Lucy would always yell at him to slow down or he would get a tummy ache. When the memory surfaced and disappeared Natsu had lost his appetite and his goofy smile. Pushing his chair away from the table he stood up and trudged back over to Lucy's bed were he collapsed. Laying on his back he put an arm over his eyes as he finally started to drift off to sleep,

"It's always more fun when we are together Luce," he whispered to himself as he slowly closed his eyes.

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"Tch" Natsu rolled over completely on his stomach with his mouth open, there was a small puddle of drool already pooling on the pillow but of course he didn't notice. Why does sun have to shine right in my eyes? He asked himself grumpily as he rubbed his eyes and sat up, I guess I know how Lucy feels now. Yawning he a made unintelligible noise and rubbed his eyes one more time, if someone saw him right now they would mistake him for a very large child.

Breathing in he smelled strawberries and vanilla and remembered where he was, Happy was probably looking for him by now. Natsu looked around the apartment and spotted the food on the table right as his stomach growled, with a final yawn he got up and sat down on the table poking the food with his finger creating a scowl on his face. He wanted to eat all this food but the thought that this was all Lucy's kept appearing in his mind and didn't want to eat it without her, after all she would be wondering where everything had gone.

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