Chapter 8: When Reality Fades and Nightmares Begin

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How long had she been out for, for her legs to be this weak? Leaning against the wooden door for support Lucy searched her person to figure out where they had put her house key, ah ha! Finally finding the key after a bit of feeling around she grasped the cold metal in her hand and unlocked the door, the hallway was dark and gloomy. Climbing up the creaky steps and taking a left, she found the same wooden door she usually greeted at the end of every day. Pushing it aside, darkness smiled at Lucy as she entered and shut the door behind her.

A shiver ran down the mage's spine as she turned around to meet home sweet home. That was unusual; usually her rooms were as hot as a sauna. With the lights on, she scurried over to the heater to find that it was much cooler than what it normally kept it at, and rotated the dial until she saw the lucky numbers 75.

Lucy's entire body ached from the half run, half walk back to her place. It felt as if she had just sprinted an entire marathon and she was about to collapse. So this is the reason doctors say stay in bed after an injury. Her back was sore, both arms felt like dead weight, her head was utterly useless until she stopped feeling light headed, and her tongue felt like sand paper in her mouth from the probable lack of water. She smiled, despite the pounding in her head.

I guess back into bed I go, doctors' orders. Snickering to herself about the lame joke Lucy hopped into her fluffy, pink bed and quickly dozed off.

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Happy's ears were assaulted with yelling and ruckus from the window to his right as he yawned and tried to wipe the grogginess out of his big, round eyes. Hoisting himself up onto his legs he turned around and remembered where he was. Everyone had gone to bed after leaving the pool. He had snuggled closer to Natsu before falling asleep so he could get some warmth from his friend, but now noticing his friend was sprawled out across the floor; which wasn't a normal thing for him knowing that he may toss and turn in his sleep, but never actually move. Looking over at Gray he saw that he had moved as well from one end of the couch to another, but assumed that just might be normal for him. Shrugging off the weird sight and feeling, Happy leaped off the bed and landed directly on Natsu's stomach.

Gibberish fell out of the young boys mouth as an annoyed expression formed on his face. Poking him once, then again, with no response the blue cat walked over to the front door of the room they were staying and exited to go find Carla, to see if she wanted to extra fish he had in his green knapsack.

After the first few attempts of knocking on Wendy and Carla's door Happy gave up and wandered around the hallway trying to figure out what to do. Looking up the walls on from his small body everything felt elongated and taller than it actually was. He always disliked it when he felt too short for something, which was why he flew whenever he could.

With an 'hmf' he stretched out his wings and lifted off the ground to go find everyone else. Scanning back and forth Happy suddenly smashed into the chest of a large man exiting his room. Quickly landing on his hind legs, he grabbed his head with both paws trying to resituate where everything lined up. Glancing up at the person he had just crashed into his eyes grew in size as the young man was looking straight at him.

"S-sorry" He squeaked out, waiting for the man to start yelling.

He could feel his insides burning from the man's gaze but stayed still. It wasn't like he was actually going to anything to him, besides; Natsu was just down the hall if something happened. Besides his hateful gaze, Happy began to realize that he wasn't actually that tall, it was just his demeanor that frightened him.

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