7 ; glory and gore

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"now, give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you and take your dog right now."

"you wouldn't," troye snarled, brows furrowing.

"wouldn't i?" connor threatened, stepping forward again. troye stumbled back away from him until his knees hit the bed and he fell back.

"no," troye exclaimed, crawling backwards away from him still. "no, you wouldn't! please!"

connor raised his pocket knife higher, admiring the way the moonlight shone off the rusted metal. he chuckled lowly and ran the tip of the knife over troye's trembling chest.

"please," he whimpered again weakly, eyes tight shut. he could feel the knife trailing over his chest, up onto the bare skin of his neck. connor pressed a little harder, not hard enough to cut. troye's blood ran cold. he said his last words in his head, a desperate prayer to any god who would listen.

"i'm just messing with you," connor laughed, pulling his arm away. he threw the knife back in his sachel and grabbed troye's arm, pulling him to sit up.

"close your mouth," connor said. "you're gonna catch flies."

"you..." troye breathed out, eyes still shut. "you utter fucking asshole..."

"don't try me," connor threatened again, raising his voice. "i'm the one with the knife here-"

"and you'll be the one with blood on your hands if you dare use it!"

"i know," connor sighed. "get over yourself, would you?"

troye stayed silent and sat there catching his breath, not sure what to do next.

"you didn't die," connor stated, pretending to pick at his fingernails. "you don't even have a scratch on you. what've you got to complain about?"

"quite a lot, i'll have you know!" troye said indignantly. he straightened out the sheets and shook out his hands, trying to get the near-death nerves out of his system.

"oh yeah?" connor huffed, rolling his eyes. "yeah, i'm sure getting every little thing in life handed to you is just gruelling work."

"you'd have no idea," troye grumbled. jagga, who had jumped back on the bed, waddled back over to troye and nudged his knee with her nose. "it is hard. you know how many people want to be me?"

"what's that got to do with it?"

"people want to kill me," troye spit, glaring at connor.

"join the club!" connor exclaimed, whipping back around to face troye. "you think the cops and guards don't want my head? you think i don't have to run every day to save my skin?"

"it's not the same," he grumbled, looking down at his lap. "who are you, anyway?"

"what's it matter to you?"

"i..." troye started, trailing off and staring at connor blankly. "i don't know. now, if you're done, would you leave?"

oh, connor remembered. oh shit. kian needed him in front of the palace as soon as possible. he was going to personally kill connor himself if he didn't get the job done.

"listen," he started awkwardly, shuffling back to the bed in the leadt threatening way possible. "i kind of need to... borrow your dog...?"

troye looked at him blanky- a stare that meant nothing but are you fucking serious?

"may i ask why?"

"no," he decided, shuffling from foot to foot. kian must've been getting antsy and he needed to get out if there as fast as possible.

"then no!" troye exclaimed incredulously. "i haven't the faintest idea who you are, why in the world would i let you-"

"oh!" connor groaned dramatically. "maybe you should let me because i have a knife on hand and i'm willing to use it so i don't die!"

"okay," troye agreed quickly, color draining from his face. "on one condition."

"and what would that be?"

"let me go with her," he stated confidently, patting jagga's head. "you only need her for tonight, right?"

"there's no way i'm letting you come with," connor groaned. he was totally out of options. god, if that stupid prince didn't fork over his dumb dog, connor would be in deep, deep trouble.

"then there's no way you're getting my dog," troye shot back, glowering at connor in a way that was supposed to be menacing.

"you know what?" connor huffed shortly. he paced over to the open window and placed his hands on the frame, gesturing for troye to follow. "get your ass over here."

"i...?" troye began slowly, not sure if connor wanted to take him along or throw him out the window.

"yes! yes, you're getting what you want once again. you're coming with me."


how would yall like a phan au maybe.....??? i have a few ideas 👀

- lindsey

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