Nothing Like Us

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What? After five years he wrote a song for me? I have listened to that song several times, it's beautiful. But it sounds like he wrote it for an ex. I'm mean 'but that is the past now we didn't last now.' We never Even began. Did he want us to though? "But Pattie...." I started looking up at her "he told everyone he wrote that for Selena."

"Yea, I know. He made it seem like that, it wouldn't sound good if he wrote it for someone other than his ex-girlfriend. Meadow he loves you I promise. He always has... But he didn't think you did, and he didn't want to ruin your friendship. He didn't have a friendship that was at stake with Caitlin... And now, it sounds like he doesn't really with you." She said stoking my arm

Did this mean this was actually going to happen! No, Meadow, don't be so stupid. He loves Caitlin and that's that. You need to move on. With Will maybe? Yea he is a nice guy I guess. But you want Justin, don't you? No! I don't I moved on! Where have you been! Huh?!

The fight with my subconscious was driving me insane! Deep down I knew I wanted Justin. I had to have him.

"Thanks Pattie. I uh I gotta go." I said standing up and giving her one last hug.

I sped back to Chaz's house. I walked up to the door took a deep breath and walked in. Chaz and Ryan were sitting in the sitting room. "Hey? Where is Justin...."

"Meadow..." They said at the same time

"Guys.... Just tell me.." I demanded. They didn't answer me. So I walked down the hallway and turned the corner. And there on the couch was Justin. On top of Caitlin. Making out, his hands tangled up in her hair, and her legs wrapped around his torso. One things for sure. He is more of a badass than he ever was before. I coughed for real. I felt like I couldn't breath. Justin looked up at me. I turned and left. Tears started to fill my eyes making things blurry. I promise I'm not a cry baby, just when it comes to Justin. I ran into Chaz and Ryan standing in the door way. They wrapped their arms around me and walked out to my car with me. I unlocked it as Ryan jumped in the front seat, and Chaz in the back. I was about to get in when I heard Justin, and only Justin, run outside.

"Meadow wait!" He pleaded

"Fuck off Justin." I calmly said as I got inside the car. I saw Justin run a hand through his hair. I started backing out. I saw Caitlin come out, she tried to kiss Justin but I noticed he was trying to keep an eye on my car. We pulled up to my apartment. "Okay guys... Home sweet home." We all hopped out.

"Let us explain" they said when we got inside.

"You don't have to, I don't own him! We never dated..." I paused "he doesn't love me." I said almost silently.

"Aha! There's the kicker sexy ass!" Chaz said

"Yea babe! He does love you!" Ryan said.



"Well what did she say?" Justin asked as we walked in the door just getting back from Meadow's

"We'll dude... She is kinda pissed at you. Not that I really blame her." I said

"I know." Justin said running his hand through his hair "god damn it! I'm such a fucking idiot! I just didn't want to talk to her, and have her tell me about her boyfriends.... Ya know?" He asked sitting down on the couch

"I know man..." Chaz said

"God I love her though... She is practically all I have thought about for five years... I even." A. smirk spread on his face as a chuckle passed his lips "one time she left a scarf at my house. I took it with me. It was like my good luck charm. When I preform I always have it. And if I'm ever worried I just hold it, hell I used sleep with it." His smirk disappeared. "It used to smell like her, but it went away about five months after I left..."

"Dude I'm sorry..." Chaz and I both said "but you did this to yourself..." I said.

I didn't know if I should tell her or not. I decided to, so I told her what he said.

"Then what is all the shit with Caitlin!" She yelled at us. "I can't handle it anymore! God it's like he says that but when it actually comes to it I'm not good enough."

Just then Justin walked in, alone. "Hey..." He said quietly. You could feel the awkward in the room.

"Who invited you?" Meadow sassed back.

"Can I just talk to you? Please?" He said coming in all the way. He knelt down in front of Meadow. I swear I saw her blush. Justin took her hands in his. And kissed one of them "please?" He whispered


"Please?" I whispered. I looked at her with pleading eyes. It looked like she was thinking real hard.

She nodded "yea..." She said quietly. I looked at Chaz and Ryan as they left.

I stood up and the sat on the couch next to her, I couldn't have gotten closer. I just stared at for for a few minutes and she did the same. Then I cleared my throat. A peace of hair was in her face. I took my hand up and moved it. I noticed her look at my left arm which was almost completely covered in tattoos.

"Do you regret any of them?" She asked referring to my tattoos

I shook my head "no," I started moving closer to her "you know what I do regret though?" I asked ably inches away from her face.

She shook her head "no..."

"Leaving you." I said as I closed the gap between us.

I could tell at first she was shocked but then she joined in, kissing back. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and started to play with the short hairs by my neck. I leaned in closer, and closer until she was laying down and I was on top of her. I licked her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth up for me to explore. A few minutes later she but my bottom lip. Making me want to rip all her cloths off. And I was seriously considering it, but just then her phone started to ring. We both let go out of breath. She looked up at me with innocent eyes as she reached for her phone.

"Hello?" She asked into it. "No it uh-" she for cut off "ok yea, I know." "Bye" and she hung up. She looked up at me again. "Wow..." She said

"What?" I asked as a smirk was planted on my face

"I knew I missed you, but I didn't realize how much."

"I really like you a lot Meadow." I whispered moving back down and reconnecting our lips. I felt her smile into the kiss... And so I did the same.

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