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skye sits there, a smug look on her face. her hair is darker now, loose curls framing her face. you can see the amount of makeup she's wearing and she looks fake, again. 

"what the hell is this? why are you here? why now?" i say, dropping to the ground. i see luke walk away, his hand white with dust from the wall he just impaled with his fist. i want him to stay, to hug me.

"it's been two months!" skye laughs.

"yeah the best two months of my life. why are you here to ruin it?" i ask, avoiding looking at the small bump under her shirt.

"i refuse to go through this pregnancy without the help of the baby's father and my sister." she explains. 

"this doesn't make sense. how did you get pregnant if you weren't here for so long? i was here, not you. and i was with luke..so how did you get pregnant?" i ask, trying to poke the holes in her story. 

"oh honey. you think it's so easy for people to resist coming back to the one they really love. as soon as the whole story blew up in your face and i left, luke came to find me and you can probably figure out the rest." 

the feeling in my stomach felt like someone dropped a fifteen pound weight into my gut. at that exact moment i see luke walk in, a glass of water in his hand. he clearly didn't hear what skye just said and i still haven't totally comprehended it. luke..went back to her when he left that day? my eyes water and i can feel myself choking up.

"don't cry hailey, you'll look worse." skye mutters, pulling her phone out from her purse.

"leave." luke says strongly. he stands in front of my sister and i can see the anger and shock in his eyes.

"excuse me?" she scoffs.

"you heard me, skye. i know your game. there is no way in hell i got you pregnant. and don't try and drag calum or anyone else into this. ever since you left we have all been the happiest we've ever been. my relationship with your sister is strong and i'm completely in love with her. you need to get the fuck out of our house." he yells.

"oh speaking of! where is calum?" skye asks, ignoring luke. 

and because none of us seem to have any luck the front door swings open, revealing michael, ashton and calum. you can clearly hear them all mutter something along the line of "fuck" as they see my sister sitting on our couch. skye ignores it and quickly stands up, touching her stomach, and walking up to calum.

"calum! i missed you!" she says happily, hugging him. he laughs and takes his hand and pushes her off.

"cut the bullshit. why are you here?" calum asks, looking at her with disgust.

"your best friend and i are having a baby!" she smiles, looking at luke. he looks at me with sadness and confusion and i just keep thinking that maybe it's true. i look away and stare at the floor.

michael rolls his eyes, not believing her and ashton does the same.

"we're supposed to believe you? after all the shit you did?" calum says and i feel better knowing someone has the courage to call her out.

"you guys don't believe me? ok. ashton, hold this please." skye says, throwing her purse and jacket at ashton, who doesn't even react and lets the things fall on the floor. skye rolls her eyes before lifting her shirt up just under her bra. 

"we're fucked." 

hi guys i updated plz enioy

and just an fyi arzaylea has no relation to this story ((just saying bc someone asked))

update: this was supposed to be published like 8 hrs ago but im stupid and didnt press publish good job i deserve a cookie or a gold star someone hmu

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