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Yes, yes, yes! EVENTS! Events.. Every GrowTopians await for events! Events are only once a year (except for Carnival and Meteor Dust Night). So enjoy while it lasts! Here are example of events..

CARNIVAL - They're the ones, my favourite ones, you can visit CARNIVAL and play games! But, you need to buy tickets on the ticketman first, you need to pay him a rarity of 100! Example : 100 dirts = 1 ticket. 2 pinball bumper = 1 ticket. Play stuffs there and you have a chance to win great prizes! If you lose, you wasted your ticket.. But you have fun! You can even meet THE RINGMASTER! You need to level yourself up to level 20 and complete those missions up to WIN RANDOM RINGS! Enjoy the ride! (A little note : It's a carnival, why they do not have roller coasters?)
METEOR DUST NIGHT (IDK WHAT'S IT CALLED) - Collect every dusts at the night of the meteor! Keep collecting them until you got a stuff from the night of the meteor!
CHRISTMAS - Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, GrowTopia has the bells! Oh what fun, is to play the game, HEY! This event is on December! Collect winter gifts and winter stuffs, such as snowballs, my favourite. All dirts' grass will be snow! Too bad we can't take the snow from it.. and GROWCH! The evil monster.. Wait, he's not evil,he's just mad.. He need some lovin'.. He need some winter gifts! Give him winter gifts so he will be happy! There's also a parkour! Check it out!
HALLOWEEN - Spooky. This event has GROWGANOTH, a world where you'll sacrifice your items with an exchange of a gift such as spider webs to decorate your world! Have fun trick or treating!
CINCO DE MAYO - This event is so fancy! You can bash piñatas and have prizes! There is also a Scammie Bunnie.. Someone will broadcast that he/she needs to help break a piñata and after that, he/she said giveaway, but he/she exit the world..
And many more..

That's all the events that I can say but there's more of them! Wait.. I forgot my favourite one..

Pineapple Month!! - You can eat pineapples and you'll get pineapple mods, such as your country flag will be pineapples, also, remember that ASDFMOVIE? SUDDENLY PINEAPPLES. Never mind, and you'll get pineapple stuffs if you feed a pineapple to a pineapple literally, a pinapple growtopian. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SO FAR.

If you meet me also, and if you are a pineapple, please meet me on NYERTOPIAX36.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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