I wuv u

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We started on our journey home and immediately got looks. I was questionable, but I wasn't that bad! Then Kyle turned my head and yelled "YOU NEED STITCHES ON YO FO HEAD!" And I yelled "BISH NO!" And ran to the apartment, Kyke following me. I saw DAN sitting there waiting and then he looked up and said, "God damnit Whinnie what have I left you to do with yourself?" And I ran up and yelled "CAN YOU CHANGE MY NAME TO WHINNIE?" And he nodded.
~After The name change~
"Dan, Phil, Kyle, Esme um I kinda have something to tell you...." I murmured. "Anything Whinnie!" Dan said joyfully. I looked up and said "I'm gay....." They looked at me tearing up and then said "We still wuv you tho!" And I smiled my famous amazing smile 💕💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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