Bonus Chapter

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Time skip 3 years.

"Viccy?" A sleepy Kellin asked, rolling over in the almost flowing, white sheets to face his husband.

"Hmm?" Vic opened one eye to see Kellin's piercing eyes staring back at him. He smiled, pulling him into a hug. "Morning."

"Morning." Kellin replied, an excited smile plastering his face.

"Today's the day."

"I'm really nervous."

"Don't be, you'll do fine."

"I know, but what if they don't like us?"

"How could they not?"

"What if they're homophobic?"

"They want the kids to go to a good home, they won't care if it's with two guys or a man and a woman."

"I guess." Kellin shrugged, he'd been worrying about this whole situation for the past week. He was never usually scared of homophobes, but it really mattered now.

"You're sure you wanna do this?"

"You bet your buns, Hun" Vic chuckled. Kellin wasn't positive, but he knew he loved children and if Vic was sure, he would be too.

"Good," Vic kissed the top of the younger boys head before getting out of the bed, "let's get up and love the children." The older boy stood, hands on hips.

"Yeah..." Kellin stretched out the 'a' "that didn't sound too good, maybe we should stay here?"

"So I sound a bit creepy?" He rolled his eyes, "I'll try not to talk too much and you can hit me if I slip up." Vic shrugged.

"Wow, abuse too?" Kellin laughed.

"Fine I'll stay quiet," Vic rolled his eyes.

"We're hopeless, aren't we?"

"Maybe they'll take pity on us and give us the children?"

Kellin looked at Vic like he had many times before, pure disbelief evident on his face. That disbelief turned into a smile, followed by a loud laugh.

"Maybe we are hopeless," Vic sighed, crawling back onto the bed to sit next to his husband. "But we love each other, and we can love a child too. That'll be enough," Vic wrapped his arm around Kellin, pulling him in tightly. He wasn't all that good with words, but he knew they'd be great parents.

"I guess we can't lose anything. It's worth a try." Kellin smiled, kissing vic's cheek.


"Mr and mis-" the lady started, stopping herself as the couple entered the room, "sorry, mr and mr Fuentes," she chuckled as the two sat down awkwardly.

"That's okay," Vic smiled, his hand locked in Kellin's.

"I'm Mrs Williams, but please, call me Hayley. It's a pleasure to meet you," she introduced herself, holding out her hand for Vic to shake. He nodded and took her hand. "So, you're interested in adopting?" Hayley asked, taking her hand away and bringing a clipboard out from her desk.

"Yes," Kellin nodded as she wrote down the two's names.

"Sign here," she instructed handing Kellin the clipboard, he wrote down his signature as neatly as He possibly could before passing it to Vic. "Just the one?"

"Yeah, for now," Vic smiled giving his husband's hand a squeeze before passing the clipboard back. They'd been waiting a good six months for this process and it was finally happening.

"Follow me," Hayley said, standing up from behind her desk.

She led the two nervous men through to a room where three kids sat, playing a bored game on the floor. Each one looked up as they entered, hope filled their wide eyes.

"This is Tay," she said, and the little girl with long brown hair stood up, a small smile on her face. "That's Alex," Hayley pointed to another boy. He was taller than the girl and he looked much more hyper. He jumped up and hugged Kellin's legs. Kellin held back a squeal and smiled at Vic, wrapping his arms around the toddler.

Vic watched his husband and he knew right then that this was the best decision he'd made in his life. Seeing the happiness in Kellin's eyes as the little boy hugged him, only made him more sure that this was what he was supposed to do.

"And finally, Josh," Hayley introduced the final boy who didn't stand, he kept his eyes on the ground and fiddled with his sleeves. "He's a little shy, but he's lovely,"

Seeing them all there made Kellin want to adopt each one, but he knew that wasn't practical. All he could do was hope that they found good homes.

The decision was entirely Kellin's as far as Vic was concerned, he'd love any child that needed it and these kids all needed it. He had expected it to take long, but it didn't. Vic had expected they'd be taking Alex home from the minute he hugged Kellin's legs and he was right. He put that down to his new-found motherly instincts.

"Excellent," Hayley smiled, taking Alex's hands. "Okay sweetie, are you gonna go get your things and meet us back down here as quick as possible?" She asked.

"C-can she help me?" The toddler pointed to Kellin, who the assumption hadn't bothered in the slightest.

"Oh my god, Vic," Kellin covered his mouth in his hands looking at his husband with wide, joyful eyes. "I'm gonna be a parent," he bounced a little on the spot.

Vic watched with a goofy smile as Kellin and Alex walked off hand in hand up a staircase.


"Do you hear that?" Kellin whispered, looking straight at Alex in the dim light that the torch provided.

"Yeah!" Alex chirped, looking around at the temporary walls the makeshift den provided. The sound of thunder boomed all over the house, making them all jump.

"It's cool, isn't it? I bet neither of you can make a sound that loud," Kellin smiled, pointing the torch at Vic who had been happily watching his two favourite people talking about thunderstorms for the past hour.

It was pretty cramped in the den so all of them were touching each other, but it was cozy and warm unlike outside.

"I think I'll beat you," Vic chuckled, prodding Alex's side.

"Will not,"

"Will too,"

"Will not,"

"Will too,"

"Daddy," Alex pouted, looking at Kellin. "Tell daddy that I'm gonna beat him,"

"Kellin, tell Alex that I'm gonna beat him," Vic copied the small boy, acting like a child.

"No. You'll both have to prove it to me," Kellin said, shining the torch up so everything was lit up equally. "On three," he added. "One, two, thr-"

Kellin was cut off by not Vic nor Alex, but the thunder booming above them, making Vic scream. Alex and Kellin looked at him in shock for a second before bursting out into a fit of uncontrollably laughter.

"I-I wasn't ready," Vic blushed, folding his arms across his chest.

"I think you won, dad," Alex giggled, covering his mouth. Vic ended up smiling too as he saw his whole world being joyful and happy.

That smile hadn't left his face even through the long nights and tough teen years. Alex was a good kid. A really good kid. He was always grateful and polite. Neither of them could have been any prouder; that one night on the train had changed everything. Fate was a wonderful thing.

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