Chapter 7- Filler

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In the morning, I woke up with bleary vision and rubbed my eyes. For a brief moment my mind was clouded with the blissful mists of sleep but the sight of the grey metal walls quickly brought me back to reality and I shot out of bed as thoughts of Bucky and last night flooded back to me. I quickly got dressed into my clean S.H.I.E.L.D. sweats and hurried out of my room to check on our hostage but when I pressed my face against the viewing glass, I saw that he wasn't there and my pulse began to pick up pace. I turned to one of the guards swiftly.

"Where is he?" I questioned him

"The Captain came to collect him for breakfast at eight thirty ma'am." he replied dully. Eight thirty? How long had I been asleep?

"What time is it now?"

"Ten twenty ma'am." Oh crap, how had I managed to sleep for that long? Without thanking the guard (I made a mental note to do that later), I broke into a light jog down the twisting halls and into the dining area.

I was greeted with laughter coming from Steve and Natasha at the table and I tried to join them as if I had always been there, hoping they wouldn't notice my tardiness, but it didn't work. I was a fool to think it would to be honest.

"Nice of you to join us Laura." Steve commented on my late arrival with one of his world famous smiles

"My pleasure Captain." I replied jokingly

"How'd you sleep? The guards told me you went to our prisoner's cell last night." Natasha spoke, I cringed when she called Bucky a prisoner.

"Not fantastic. It's been a while since I've slept on a prison bed." as I said this I looked past Steve for a split second and caught sight of Bucky in the corner turning to look at me with a hint of confusion on his face. "And yes, I did go into Bucky's cell last night. He wasn't sleeping too well and neither was I so I decided to go and give him some company since the only people he sees are the guards through his cell windows." I said bitterly. Nobody replied to my comment and I was kind of glad that they didn't. I felt awful for Bucky, I really did, because he'd only just gotten out of a prison and now he was back in one. The poor guy just wanted some freedom and of all the people to take that away from him, it was his best friend. "Hey, Steve?" I interrupted the silence

"Yeah?" he replied with the same Brooklyn accent that Bucky had

"I was just wondering if you've assigned anyone to rehab detail yet."

"Not yet, we were going to discuss it after we're done here. Why'd you ask?" Steve queried

"Well I was going to ask if you could assign me. I mean it would make sense, I've been through pretty much the same thing he has, maybe not as bad but I've still been through it." he nodded his head at my reasoning and then turned to look at Natasha to ask for her approval.

"What do you think?" he said

"I don't see why not. She has a point." Tasha consented. Bucky was just about to be escorted out of the room when I caught a glimpse of his mouth pulling up at the corners into a small smirk.

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