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This is Tōtoi Yumi (surname, first name) at a young age. This isn't her at eight, but you can just imagine what she is like, haha. Oh and please leave some comments! It makes me feel all happy and inspired :)


I ran through the forest, not looking back as if my life depended on it. In fact, my life did depend on it. I had to get away fast, faster than anyone could say ‘shinobi.’

"Yumi-chan, come out come out, wherever you are!” The familiar voice cackled not too far behind me. “You can’t scream; you can’t get help – all because no one can hear you!” I carelessly stumbled on a tree root, slowly me down by a millisecond. I silently cursed the moonless night and all the trees in this forest.

“Little girl, little girl,” he sang out. His cold voice sent shivers down my spine. “We both know you don’t have enough chakra to keep yourself going. You will have to come back sooner or later, though I do prefer for it to be sooner.” He was right – my massive chakra reserve was wasted earlier when I escaped from the dark underground prison. My violet eyes darted from tree to tree, trying to find a way out of the labyrinth-like forest. Closest nation? Where is the closest country? I quickly racked my brain as I continued to flee from my jail-guard.

“Come, Yumi-chan! Master is waiting for your return!” Hitoshi cried out joyously. I’m NEVER going back to Orochimaru! I can’t! I won’t! I screamed inside my head. No way in hell was I going back to Orochimaru just to be tortured, confined, and controlled by them again. I began to panic and I tried to swallow my fears down that were lodged in my throat. Calm down, Yumi. You have to stay calm. I mentally slapped myself to keep me focused.

Even though I was exhausted, I pushed myself to run faster, jumping into the branches of the trees. I flew from branch to branch, silently rustling the leaves like the wind. I swore that I was getting further away from him, but Hitoshi kept his pace with mine.

“Yumi-imoto! I can still see you!” He crowed. I cringed, earning a snicker from him. My foot slipped on one of the branches, causing me to fall down to the ground with a solid ‘thump’. Hitoshi landed not too far away from me, eyeing me with amusement. Dizzy and half-conscious, Hitoshi’s figure blurred in and out of my vision.

“Kabuto-san told me to bring you back in one piece for Lord Orochimaru, but I really can’t guarantee that if you don’t cooperate. I mean, Kabuto-san can replace an arm for you.” Hitoshi laughed out loud, slapping his knee as if he told a funny joke. I watched in terror as he advanced towards me, brandishing a kunai. “And I want to thank you for giving me this scratch from earlier.” He grinned wickedly, pointing to his bleeding wound from when I had escaped.

I have to live. I won’t die here. I CAN’T DIE! I called for whatever chakra was stored within me out for help. It responded eagerly – black shadows laced with dark purple swirled around me. Hitoshi’s eyes widened in shock and terror.

“K-kabuto never t-told me that y-you had t-this!” He whispered. I felt a slow and lazy grin appear on my face. I tested my fingers out, clenching and unclenching them. I’m still mobile. I can finish him off in a second. My violet eyes met his grey ones and I took a step forward as he retreated a step back. I leapt forward, hand outstretched towards his throat. In a heartbeat, I lifted the man into the air with his feet slightly off the ground. His eyes widened in fear – my dark chakra was lifting the two of us into the air. I grinned widely, showing him my teeth. I closed both of my small hands around his thick neck and slowly squeezed, giving him a somewhat-painful death as I stared into his eyes.

“Y-you b-it-ch,” Hitoshi wheezed out. I effortlessly reached into his mind and whispered, “I’ll enjoy your blood.” He gasped, hearing what would have been my voice for the first time. It sounded like a little girl’s of eight, like bells tinkling.

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