To the Leaf

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The gates came into view as we travelled for another three hours. 

"Finally! Thank Kami, because I was about to go insane!" Kankuro shouted with glee. Temari and Baki shot him a glare but Kankuro being himself, failed to notice it. As we neared the gates, we saw two guards sitting at the desk next to the gates. The carriage pulled to a slowed stop with the horses stomping their hooves and snorting. Temari stood by the carriage, leaving Kankuro and Baki to greet the guards at the entrance. Gaara stood next to Temari and Kyo-sensei stayed in the carriage with me.

The two guards noticed us and gaped at my fancy carriage that I was sitting in with the curtains drawn closed. 

"Um... Halt!" The first one with a bandage across his nose commanded.

"Do you have a pass to enter?" The second one with brown hair questioned. Kyoshi-sensei scoffed, ready to tell them off but I stopped him, “Sensei, stop. Let me handle this.”

I gently pushed the curtains to my window to the side and I heard the two shinobis taking a sharp intake of breath. I smiled at them gently before motioning for one of them to come closer. The one with a bandage across his nose shared a look with his partner, the one with his brown hair over an eye, before cautiously walking towards me. I leaned out of the window and held a hand out. He gingerly took it and gasped as I pushed into his mind.

“Hey!” The other guard shouted, brandishing a kunai. Gaara’s sand leaked out of his gourd and rose in the air menacingly.

I am sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you like that,” I said. “What’s your name? I’m Tōtoi Yumi, princess of the Land of Ice.”

“I-I’m Hagane K-Kotetsu.” I giggled as he stammered.

“Once again, I apologize for talking to you in your mind, Hagane-san. I am a mute – my vocal cords are permanently damaged.” I explained. He looked at me before nodding his head.

“You can call me Kotetsu. I actually prefer that,” he grinned. “That’s my partner, Kamizuki Izumo. Enjoy your stay at our village, Hime-sama.” He bowed down respectfully, stepping away. “Izumo, let them by.”

I smiled at the two of them and drew the curtains closed as the carriage moved forward.


“Welcome to Konohagakure, Tōtoi-hime. I am the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. I hope your journey here was pleasant and safe.” The old man with the “Fire” hat greeted.

“Third Hokage, huh? He kind of looks like your ouji-san,” I snickered to Kyo-sensei. He shot me a weary glance that visibly told me to stop joking around. I pouted at him. The Third Hokage looked on amusedly at our exchange.

“Tell him about my… ah… situation.” I gave Kyoshi a pointed look.

“Hokage-sama, Hime-sama has a vocal disability. I am very sure you remember her back when she was a kunoichi here.”

“What the hell?!” My voice thundered in Kyo-sensei’s head, causing him to wince visibly.

“Ah, yes. I do remember Yumi-hime back when she used to be a kunoichi here. How long ago was it?” The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Does this mean I can talk to him? Did I already ‘mark’ the Hokage?” I demanded Kyo. He smiled, nodding his head. I whipped my head to face the Hokage, making sure the two of them could hear me.

“When was I a citizen here? I only remember my travels with Kyo-sensei and the Land of Ice. No more, no less.”

The Hokage’s face slightly fell. “So you don’t remember anyone from the village? What about me? I was still the Hokage back when you were here.”

“No.” My simple reply brought tears to the Hokage’s eyes as he sniffled a bit.

“Yumi-chan doesn’t remember me? You were ten when you left to go travel the five shinobi nations with Kyoshi. It has been eight years!” I exhaled, a bit tired of the Hokage’s persistent urgings.

“Pardon me to interrupting, but I am tired from my journey. However much I would like to reminisce about the past, I would like to rest.” I interrupted. The Hokage had a knowing smile on his face.

“Of course, Yumi-hime.” He turned to Kyo-sensei, “I have arranged a house for the two of you, if that is alright. I will have a jonin escort you both.” Once the words left his lips, a cloud of smoke poofed into the room. Kyo automatically crouched into defence and held his sword in his hand. I was slightly tensing, but appeared to seem relaxed. The smoke cleared out, revealing a silver haired man with a mask covering ¾ of his face.

“Hokage-sama, you called for me?” His voice asked lazily. Kyo was still tense with suspicion. I tapped his shoulder, catching his attention. Nodding slightly at him, Kyo finally stood up and slid his sword back into its scabbard.

The newcomer’s visible eye slowly slid over to me, widening a little bit at my extravagant clothes. He snapped back to attention when the Hokage cleared his throat.

“Yes, Kakashi. Hatake Kakashi, this is Kabato Kyoshi, the princess’ bodyguard and guardian. Kabato Kyoshi, this is Hatake Kakashi, White Fang’s son and a trusted jonin. Kakashi, this is Tōtoi Yumi, hime-sama of the Land of Ice. Yumi-hime, this is Kakashi. You were friends with him back when you were a child.” The Hokage introduced. I glanced over at the man with silver hair and found him staring at me.

“Thank you, Hokage-sama,” Kyo replied, bowing. I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

“Kakashi, will you please show them to their house?” That was our cue to leave. 


Her kimono on the side :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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