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15th Chapter

Eun Mi stayed still beside Sehun inside his car. He was driving in a slow pace towards who knows where. After he pulled her away from Luhan, he told her to get in his car and she obliged, not wanting to frustrate Sehun even more. He was clearly in a foul mood though she had no idea why. She guessed that he had a fight with his hyung, which is a bit surprising because the two of them are really close. As for her fiancé candidate, she was supposed to come with him to his homecoming party so she wondered why he just let Sehun to take her away. Maybe he got scared of Sehun’s expression, too.

The atmosphere inside the car was chilly but it wasn’t because of the air conditioner.  Sehun hadn’t spoken to her since he started the car and it got her worried. Did she do something? Only then did she realize that she had been postponing talking with him because she wasn’t ready for it. Maybe he was mad with her because of that. She sneaked a glance at him and saw that he was gripping the steering wheel tightly. There was also this pronounced frown on his face that she didn’t like.

“Sehun..” Eun Mi said in a soft tone.

She jumped on her seat when he suddenly changed lanes and parked it by the side of the road. She got more nervous than she already was when they just remained silent there, unmoving. Sure, she seldom talked but she wasn’t used to this kind of silence, especially with Sehun. She missed talking to him, laughing with him about stupid things, his smiles that would always make her heart skip and just about anything they do together.

Eun Mi turned to him and reached out a hand to his face. Sehun was taken aback when she eased his forehead with her soft fingers. “Y-you shouldn’t frown like that.” She said gently.

Sehun’s mind was still occupied with the image of Luhan leaning over Eun Mi that he wasn’t aware that the said girl was worried for him. The possessive part of himself completely took over him and he wanted to hit Luhan on the face even if he’s his closest hyung. Deep inside him, he wanted to take Eun Mi away from everyone and everything. And of course, that is so stupid and there’s no way he can do that.

He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

Eun Mi gave him a small smile, relieved that he was back to the normal Sehun. She was about to retreat her hand but he caught it and held it in a firm but gentle grasp. Her heart started racing again with their contact.

“I’m just not in my best mood today. Sorry if I scared you.” He told her as he looked into her eyes.

She felt her cheeks flush. “I-I wasn’t scared. I was just worried. C-can I ask what’s making you upset?”

I’m not upset, I’m jealous. Sehun shook his head lightly. “It’s nothing really. Don’t mind it. I’m alright now.”

She nodded and dropped her head. They became silent again. Sehun was still holding her hand seeming like he had no intentions of letting it go. After a while, he asked in quiet voice, “Did he.. do anything to you? Luhan hyung, I mean.”

Her eyes shot up to look at him but his eyes were on somewhere else away from her. She wasn’t sure but he looked embarrassed and she suppressed the urge to giggle. “Luhan oppa’s so kind and attentive. H-he didn’t do anything.. bad.”

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