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a/n: enjoy . . . and i ask that you spam me with comments please :)

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     The rest of the night is fairly low key. There really isn't much that happens. We all end up watching some movies in the living room and drinking some iced tea and cookies that Gwen made.

     Gwen seems oblivious to the tension in the air, but nobody's acknowledging it, really. It's mostly between Ryan and myself. I totally pissed him off when I exposed him, and that's obvious. Not that I care.


     Alexandra's been fairly quiet since the whole ordeal and I truly believe it's because it pains her to know the truth about her little boyfriend. Granted, she hasn't been acting all that different towards him. She's still sitting beside him, holding his hand occasionally—basically faking that everything's alright.

     If she's going to accept that he's an asshole, there's nothing I can do about it. I just really wanted to expose him for who he truly is. She deserved to know the truth and that's exactly what I did.

     To each their own, I guess.

     I think if it wasn't for Alexandra and Gwen's presence, Ryan and I would be dealing with this tension a little . . . differently. I'm imagining flying fists, myself ramming his stupid face into the drywall, kneeing him in the abdomen—essentially beating the shit out of him until he gets the message. I don't think it'd take much, honestly. He seems like he talks more than he actually acts.

     It still bothers me that he called me scrawny. I want nothing more than to prove to him that I'm the exact opposite. It may look like I have very muscle, but that's not true. I've known self-defence for years so the muscle is there, it's just more toned than anything else. Just because I don't have bulging muscles, doesn't mean I'm not just as strong.

     Ryan seems a little more muscular than me, but I'll guess that he takes steroids. Probably has a tiny dick to match.

     Actually, now that I think about it, I should be teaching Alexandra self-defence. It's something that's extremely useful, especially for a girl who's related to someone who has so many enemies. I'm sure it would come in handy for her to know how to protect herself in case of an emergency. I don't exactly know how well she can defend herself—especially in those heels she wears—so it'll be interesting should anything ever happen to us.

     I need her to be able to defend herself in case I'm ever in trouble, too. Like, if I've been taken out and she has to save me—although I highly doubt that's ever going to happen.

     As we've been sitting here and I've been thinking about everything, I've come to wonder what Gwen thinks about Alexandra's boyfriend. I'm curious if she thinks he's good, or if she too, sees through his fake ass exterior. I know she's a smart lady, but it is possible that her love for Alex is blinding her to the truth. She hasn't given away any hints, acting like the sweet, kind, loving elder she is.

     Good thing for me that Ryan won't be around long. In fact, I think I may just fake a little phone call from Victor and then warn Ryan that he needs to go for fear of Alex's father finding out. It'll get rid of him in a hurry, that's for sure, and then I won't have to worry about him fucking things up around here. I won't be so on edge about worrying about him, I'll be able to focus more on protecting Alexandra, which is what I'm supposed to be doing.

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