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| twenty-four |

A/n: important!! For those of you who read chapter "23" posted a few days ago, it turns out I totally forgot to post a chapter in between that chapter and the chapter before it! So what you actually read was chapter 24!! Thank you to the person who pointed out the mistake and I've just posted the real 23 for you to read and avoid confusion! I'm so sorry. My brain's so wound up with other things I didn't even notice the mistake! X

I'm so sorry for the delay in this update. PLEASE read the a/n at the end for important information! enjoy! x

 PLEASE read the a/n at the end for important information! enjoy! x

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      I'm fuming.

     When I find the note that Alexandra left on her bedspread, it's hard not to pick up a lamp or something near me and smash it recklessly against the wall. In the time I've grown to know her, I had figured I'd taught her well when it came to being safe.

     But then she pulls this shit.

     Holding the crumpled note in my hand, I realize that I don't have the time to screw around. Her naivety has resulted in her being in danger now. She's somewhere on the road or possibly at this Ben person's house and now I've got to scramble with only a short amount of time available to formulate any sort of plan.

     Hell, I can't even think of a plan. A thousand thoughts are bouncing around in the confines of my head that I can barely think clearly. All I know are two things: I'm fucking pissed, and I need to hurry.

     Quickly, I un-crumple the piece of paper and jog down the hallway to Nick's door. I knock on it frantically, desperate for him to answer. When he does open the door, he's rubbing at his eyes in a sleepy haze, confused as to why I'm there.

     "I need your help." I say, hurriedly. "Lex left the house and she's in danger. We need to get in the jet, now."

     Alexandra had told me that Ben's is roughly a six hour drive from here. How in the world she's going to get there is beside me, but I don't have time to even think about it. I have no idea when she left and she could easily be well over three quarters of the way there.

     "Get dressed and get your father." After rushing the words out, I run back to Lex's room and try to figure out how I can find this man's address. I spot a pad of paper next to her bedside, along with a pen and I hope and pray this will work.

     Desperate, I search through the drawers for a pencil, but have no luck in finding one. So, I run across the house and into Marc's office to rip a pencil out of his top desk drawer and right back. Ever so lightly, I swipe the lead across the page, watching as whatever Lex wrote on the page above it appears before my eyes.

     It's obviously an address and I breathe a sigh of relief when I can read it fully.

     I scurry into my room, tuck my pistol into my waistband and ensure that I have everything I need. It only takes me five minutes to get everything ready and I'm heading towards the garage when I run into Marc.

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