[twelve - coming up for fresh air]

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Ethan's POV.

I've never needed anyone or anything in my entire life. It's weird that Jess was the first thing that came to my mind, but I decide to ignore it.

Why can't I stop thinking about her?

It seems like she's always on my mind, and I have no idea why.

I have never 'dated' anyone. I've fooled around with a number of girls, some more times than others, but I've never been involved in any type of relationship. Samantha has mentioned multiple times how she wants to be more than just friends with benefits, but I have declined her every offer. She's fun to hook up with, but I would never date her.

Relationships are pointless, and always inevitably have a shitty ending. They are just extra, unnecessary work and stress added to someone's life. I have no idea why anyone would voluntarily sign up for that.

Grayson dated some girl named Elena back in New Jersey his entire freshman and sophomore year. They were pretty serious; well, as serious as you can get for being fifteen and sixteen years old. All I know is that Grayson was absolutely obsessed with her. She is all I heard him talk about.

Then something happened in the summer before entering our junior year of high school. I still don't know what exactly happened to this day, but I do know that Elena dumped Grayson, hard. It completely crushed him. He didn't talk to anyone or do anything for the longest time, and to be honest, it scared me. Grayson has never been the type to let someone else control him or his actions.

Seeing my only brother so helpless and heartbroken after some stupid break-up only further confirmed my opinion on relationships.

They're a waste of time.

Like I said, I've never been in one, and don't plan to. I've been happy and content with my life without some girl bothering me all day so far, so I can't be missing out on much. Not that I would care, anyway.

I jump slightly when Grayson suddenly bangs his fists against the car window.

"Fuck off," I say loud enough for him to hear.

"No. We need to talk, roll down the window!"

He continues to bang against my fucking window like a little stubborn twelve year old. I ignore him and shove my keys into the ignition, the engine roaring to life shortly afterwards. Grayson takes a few steps back.

He then runs in front of the car, blocking me from going anywhere. Dammit, Grayson.

I honk the horn at him and he jumps back, but soon recovers and begins to bang his fists on the front of the car. I give in and roll the window down, but I don't say a word. If he wants to talk, he can walk back over here.

Sure enough, he shuffles over to the now open window.

"What the hell was that?" He angrily scowls at me.

I can't help but laugh. Grayson's attempt at trying to seem intimidating is just funny to me.

"You were pissing me off, so I honked the horn to-"

"No, you dick! What was that in there, with mom!" He points towards the house.

Grayson clenches his jaw and his face is completely red. He's irate at this point.

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing-"

"No, Ethan, it wasn't nothing! You know, I'm sick and tired of your shit, and so is mom! You're ridiculous, you can't even be the least bit happy that mom has finally found something that makes her happy! Why wouldn't you want her to be happy in her last few months of her life?"

Rough Heart | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now