[forty six - "he needs me."]

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"What's going on?!" Grayson shouts.

Anne's face is as white as a ghost, and she is unable to even speak. 

I take a moment, from the top of the stairs, to collect myself as much as I possibly can given the current situation. I cannot think of anything to stop him. He's relentless.

He's Ethan.

"I... I don't know," is all that comes out of my mouth.

Anne closes her eyes and brings her hands up to her chest, suddenly beginning to breathe heavily.  I then watch as she removes one of her hands from her chest and places it onto the wall next to her, leaning against it for support.

Her eyes remain closed, and Grayson and I exchange worried glances.

"Mom? Are you alright?" Grayson rushes over to Anne, throwing his arm around her back.

I stop the rapid thoughts flowing through my mind and run down the stairs. I begin to panic as I rush over to help.

I help Grayson and place my arm around the other side of Anne, providing support.

"Mom? Answer me!" Grayson seems to be panicking just as much as I am.

Anne's face is even more pale than before, now. Her breathing is very slow and her eyes are still closed.

I have never in my life been this scared.

"Let's get her to the couch," I quickly suggest.

Grayson nods and we both lift her up by her arms slightly and turn towards the couch.

When we realize Anne is able to walk, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We help her reach the couch, then gingerly continue to assist her as she sits down.

She finally opens her eyes.

"I'm... fine," she whispers, completely out of breath.

Grayson sighs in relief before bending down to get closer to his mother. He grabs her hand in his and squeezes it.

"I just... I got a little... overwhelmed." She says.

"Is there anything we can do? Do we need to go to the hospital?"

Anne shakes her head instantly.

"No, no."

"Are you sure?"

She nods.

 "Jessica... go get him. Please,"

I had almost forgotten about Ethan.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yes, dear. Please, just go get Ethan. Stop him from whatever he is about to do."

Her desperate eyes search for something within mine as she pleads.

I have never seen Anne so crestfallen. I am so used to her usual warm smile and rosy cheeks. I don't like seeing her this way at all.

I shoot Grayson a look, almost as if I am asking if it is for sure okay for me to go, and he nods and waves me on with his free hand.

I know that I need to leave now in order to reach Ethan in time, but leaving Anne and Grayson this way after such a scary scenario is so hard.

I hesitate a bit, but soon realize that there is no time to waste. Without even thinking about it I rush over to give Grayson a quick hug, and he squeezes me harder than he usually does.

"We're fine, I promise." He whispers into my shoulder as I pull away.

I force a smile at him before rushing out of the front door. My heart falls into my chest when I don't see Ethan's car, and realize that he has already left for Charlie's house. I gulp as I run to my car, pulling out of the driveway faster than I ever have before.

My heart is racing as I drive to Charlie's. I drive fifteen miles over the speed limit, but at this point, I don't care.


I see Ethan's Range Rover parked a few houses away from Charlie's, and know that I am too late.

Suddenly becoming angry, I pound my hands on my steering wheel a few times as I continue to drive. I park my car in front of Charlie's and jump out, not even thinking to turn it off.

I'm about to start running towards the house, but when I look up, I see Ethan.

Both fists clenched by his sides and stomping on the sidewalk beneath him, he is only one house away from Charlie's. I gasp as I realize how close he is getting, and start to run to him. I probably look stupid, but, again, I don't care.

Face red with anger, he notices me running towards him and stops in his tracks. As I near him I notice how white his knuckles are from clenching his fists so hard. His eyebrows are furrowed and his jaw is tight.

"Jess, you need to leave. Now." He says, his voice coming out deep and raspy.

I take a deep breath as I finally reach him.

"We both need to leave." I say as calm as possible.

His dark, vengeful eyes stare into mine for a few moments, so I ignore them and look down to his pink lips, which are slightly parted from his heavy breaths.

He shakes his head, chuckling deeply.

"You don't know what I need." He states, but I find it almost humorous, because I do know what he needs.

He needs me.

When I don't reply to him, he pushes past me, and continues on his rampage to Charlie's house.

I suddenly know exactly what to do.

I simply run back in front of him, quickly wrap my hands around his neck, and press my lips against his. 

He doesn't respond at first, but I know he eventually gives in when I feel his hands wrap around my waist and his lips kiss mine with more force.

He moves his hands up to my face, grabbing it on both sides and pulling me closer to him.

He kisses me harder than he ever has before, and that's when I know for sure I have succeeded. 

When he finally pulls away after a bit, his eyes remain closed and he continues to touch his forehead to mine. We just stand there for a moment, Ethan's hands now back around my waist, taking it all in. 

Then, he does something that catches me off guard completely. 

He pulls me in for a hug.

And he squeezes me not too hard, but just hard enough. And his arms wrap around me perfectly, as if I was made just to fit into them. And I can't see his face, but I know that right now, his lips are puffy and extra pink from me kissing them, and his eyes are closed, and his cheeks are red from his previous anger.

And in this moment, I realize that I need Ethan just as much as he needs me.

We don't say a word as I walk him to his car. I just watch as he drives away.

Ethan Dolan, driving away from a fight.


i hope you enjoyed this chapter, & thank you for reading as always.

[ if this chapter gets 150 votes and 150 comments by tomorrow morning, i will update again tomorrow night (: ]

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