[nineteen - football team & locke howard]

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I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders as I see Ethan enter the classroom. I let out a breath and smile without even realizing.

His hair is pushed slightly off of his forehead into the most perfect quiff I have ever seen. It almost amazes me how he never fails to make my insides melt. I watch closely as he carelessly strides through the classroom and finally sits down in his assigned desk next to mine.

A smug grin plastered across his gorgeous face, he glances over at me and meets my eyes.

"You seem surprised." He whispers like a small child would do when not wanting anyone to hear their secret.

I shrug.

"I just can't believe you actually showed up."

He smiles and leans back in his seat.

"I mean really, it's a miracle." I add, earning a small chuckle from him afterwards.

I replay the sound of his laugh in my mind after the moment ends, knowing I may not hear it again for awhile. With Ethan and his mood swings, I have to always remind myself to savor his smile or laugh whenever it happens. I wish I could see it more often.

"You're funny, Jess."

The way he effortlessly looks like a supermodel as he sits in a damn school desk absolutely blows my mind.

"Maybe you can actually pay attention in class today so I won't have to be your tutor again!" I decide to tease him.

I am surprised with how much more confident I am finding myself to be around him. I would have never imagined myself saying some of the things I say to him.

He places his large hand over his chest and gasps, pretending to be hurt by my words.

"Don't pretend like you didn't love being my tutor, Jessica."

I am slightly caught off guard when he uses my full name.

I playfully stick my tongue out at him and turn around to prepare for the beginning of class.

Mrs. Jones makes her way to her desk after the bell rings and begins rambling on about what we will be doing today, but for whatever reason I find myself zoning out.

"You look good today, princess." Shivers are immediately sent down my spine as Ethan leans in to whisper the simple, but meaningful words.


"Hey," I approach Grayson in the hallway on my way to lunch.

"Hey Jessica! How are you?"

"I'm alright. You?"

He clutches his notebooks tightly to his chest as he walks.

"Good. I'm honestly still adjusting to this school, some things are different here than in New Jersey."

"Like what?"

"Just little things, like how we go to lunch after fourth period. In New Jersey, lunch was always after third. And how the homecoming game and dance is at the beginning of September, instead of October like in New Jersey."

I giggle.

"I love homecoming."

Grayson nods, agreeing with my statement. I glance down at his pile of notebooks and see a flyer on top of them all. I gesture towards it, and Grayson's face lights up.

"The football coach came up to me in the hallway earlier, he really wants me and Ethan to join the team."

He hands me the piece of paper, which has the football schedule on it, along with tons of other additional information on the team.

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