Chapter 2

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I silently cried, careful not not to put any pressure on my bruises and cuts. I was still in the bathroom, the door locked now and tissues all around me.

Ugh, it's like I just broke up with my boyfriend. I wish that was the situation. I can't get away from Harry. No matter how many times I escape, he will find me.

I sighed and took a deep breath in, trying hard not to cry. That only makes me feel weak. Which I am, but more weak than I actually am.

Suddenly, my stomach lurched and I aimed for the toilet, blood is all I see once I open my eyes.

I felt disgusted, ashamed.

I'm a useless nobody, who deserves to be dead.

Just look how fucked up I am. I mean, I can't freaking stand up to my own boyfriend, I cut myself, and I'm so depressed.

All of a sudden, I felt a pain in my stomach. I looked down at it and carefully sat down, holding my stomach.

I took some pills and after a while it calmed down. That's weird. Usually, I'm hungry, but I don't feel like I'm starving or hungry. Hmph....

I didn't want to get out of the bathroom, I didn't know what Harry was going to do to me. Maybe he's not home. Yep, that must be it.

I disposed of all the tissues and quietly opened the door. I poked my head out of the door to see no signs of Harry. I sighed, relieved, and went downstairs for a glass of hot water.

I passed the mirror in the hallway and stopped. I turned around slowly and examined my body.

Wait - I don't remember Harry hitting me there.

There was a huge bruise on my arm, not far from my elbow.

Harry only hits me in the stomach and ribs. Not anywhere else, which is weird. What if it's something serious? Or maybe Harry did hit me there, I just didn't notice it because of all the pain I was in.

I let it go and walked into the kitchen, passing the living room where Harry and a brunette girl in her undergarments snogging. I was officially disgusted. How the hell did I ever fall in love with such a douche?

I facepalmed and boiled up some water, a few minutes later pouring it into a cup and adding my favorite tea with milk and sugar. British people consider this weird, but I really love putting milk and sugar into my tea.

Then, my head was in pain. Oh God, not a headache again. I've been having headaches the past few days. I should really get that checked out.

Should I schedule an appointment? I'm really close with my doctor, Dr. Alivia. She's the closest thing I have to a mother and I really care for her, like she cares for me. She doesn't have children, but has a husband who is amazing. Dr. Alivia knows about my home life and she promised me she won't say a word about it to anyone.

I ended up texting her, and if your wondering how I even have a phone, it's because Harry knows I won't call for help because he said, and I quote, you're just a scared little whore who won't do anything because I will end you if you do.

Ugh. I'm so weak.

Yes, Dr. Alivia texts. She's not that old, around 37 or 39 at the latest. She gets me.

To: Elizabeth

From: Delly

Hi E. Yeah, I can totally schedule you in. Can you come in today?

I smiled and sipped my tea, and then texted back.

To: Delly (Dr. Alivia's real name is Delilah)

From: Elizabeth

I think so. Harry's making out with a girl. Can easily go through the back gate.

Yes, we have a back gate. But I hardly go through there. Not without someone watching me, which I hate.

I slipped on my Uggs and coat, flipping off Harry, which, thankfully, he did not see. But I swear, the girl did and glared at me.

Oh shit. She's gonna tell Harry.

I swiftly ran through the back gate and closed it, trying not to make a sound. The hospital wasn't too far away from Harry's full blown mansion. It wasn't even 5 blocks.

I made it in time before closing and greeted Delly warmly, giving her a hug. She lead me to a room and I sat myself on a seat.

"Okay, well, it seems you've been losing weight. And you say you are having headaches, throwing up blood, bruises where Harry didn't hit, and stomach pains, correct?" I nodded and looked down.

"We are going to have to take some blood tests, I'll have the results for you tomorrow."

I nodded and followed her to another room, where I assume she will tkae the blood tests.


I laid in Harry and I's bed the next morning, the sun peaking through the blinds as I open my eyes. Harry didn't sleep in here, of course. He had a lady here last night.

I was slightly startled by my phone ringing, the song was Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. That was only one person's ringtone, Dr. Alivia.

The results! Oh goodness, I'm a little nervous. What if it's something serious? I don't know, I hope not. I have enough to deal with at home and I cannot afford a hospital bill.

I answered, Dr. Alivia was sobbing.

"Elizabeth." She breathed.

"You have luekemia, and your far too into the stages to have it treated. You have to stay in the hospital. And, you have 4 months to live."



A/N -


I think this fanfiction is going a little too fast. I'll try and slow it down for you all.

Damn, Elizabeth has too much on her plate - she gets abused by her boyfriend NOW SHE HAS CANCER LIKE WTF.

I can't even. NO.

I feel sooooo bad for her, words cannot describe it.

But then again, this is just a fanfiction but whatevs.

I know that I didn't get 2 votes but whatever. I really wanted to update it because I just got the idea that she should have cancer and here it is!

How is Elizabeth going to tell Harry? How will Harry react?

Until then, lervs.


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