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Disclaimer: I only own Clara Ackles and the future plot. 


Sebastian knew for sure he was close to actually throw up

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Sebastian knew for sure he was close to actually throw up. Today was the day he finally was going to meet Clara Ackles in person. He remembered the first time he saw her in television and it was in Season 1 from Supernatural, an old friend had told him he was going to appear in the first episode so of course Sebastian was going to watch it to show his support, and he was so fucking glad he did; the moment he saw the blonde kicking Sam's ass in his own apartment he couldn't help but laugh at her sarcasm and sass.

He fell in love with Deanna Winchester's character, the hunter was a total badass not to mention incredible beautiful, with just one episode he become attached to the show; Stan watched every single episode every week mainly to just see her but also he liked the concept and the hunts, the plot was incredible.

Sebastian Stan had become a fangirl. But just like most fangirls, he looked up Deanna's actress name, he found it was Clara Ackles; he searched for all her works and watched all her appearances in tv shows, movies and also tons of interviews to see her personality.

The guy was totally screwed, Clara was his crush and now he was going to meet her, he was going to work with her in the movie and she was going to appear as Deanna not to mention she was going to be Bucky's love interest. When he got to know about it, he almost passed out; he didn't know if it was just a prank or if he was in the hospital connected to a machine in a coma. It was just too good to be true but luckily for him it was.

Chris was on the set with Sebastian, even though he wasn't going to appear on the scene he wasn't going to miss Sebastian's face when he finally sees Clara. He noticed his friend moving around rubbing his "metal" arm nervously.

"Dude, relax" the blond told him snapping his friend out of his thoughts "Clara is amazing and you are amazing, you two will get along just fine" he said to then mutter under his breath "Even date."

Sebastian made a grimace "I know she is amazing... I'm just nervous; I don't want to mess this up."

"You won't" Chris snorted then he smirked "I heard she is your crush."

Sebastian's eyes widened "Where the hell did you hear that?"

"I don't know" Chris shrugged to then look at him incredulously "Internet?" then he continued "Is not like in interviews people haven't asked you who is your celebrity crush."

Sebastian frowned trying to remember when did someone asked him that then looked at Chris in disbelief "Only one interviewer asked me that" he narrowed his eyes at him "And it was like seven years ago."

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