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J- Ben, is there any church here?
B- Yeah it's called Auradon Church.
J- We're getting married there.
B- OK, but you need a reservation.
J- Ok

Other dorm
J- Hey babe!
E- Hey!
J- So it's Ejay's birthday tomorrow and we need to prepare.
E- Right, also the wedding is in 1 month and 3 weeks.
J- But Ejay has to be first.
E- I got it!
J- Got what?
E- In his birthday party the colors will be blue and yellow you know our colors. We can dress him up as a prince because he is.
J- Slow down, but I like the idea. We can use the crown that Mal and Ben gave.
E- Yeah.
J- Well this is gonna be a preparation.

M- Awwwww...!!!! He used the crown we gave him
J- Yeah,
(Birthday song)
Everyone- Yay!!!!!
(Opening of gifts)

The next day
J- OK let's plan the wedding
E- You are excited.
J- Yeah because I love you (kissing her neck then her lips)
E- Jay.
J- OK we can do that later. So the church will be Auradon Church.
E- We need a wed-
(A knock on the door)
?- Hi I'm Ruby! Rapunzel's and Flynn Rider's daughter
?- I'm Edward! Eric and Ariel's son
?- I'm Jacob! Jack Frost's and Elsa's son
Ev- You know who I am.
Jevie- Hi
E- So what brings you here?
Ev- These guys will interview you.
Ruby- OK first question, how does is it feel to be one of the famous couples here in Auradon prep?
J- We are?
R- Yes.
E- Shocking.
Edward- Evie how is it being Jay's girlfriend?
E- Correction fiancée, but it's really..... I don't know the word but he was my first crush.
Jacob- Jay how is it being Evie's fiancée?
J- Awesome, and the same she was my first crush.
Ruby- OK interview done, thank you.
4 people leaves
J- So what was it your saying a while ago?
E- We need a wedding planner
Wedding Planner- OK so what church?
Jevie- Auradon Church
WP- When?
J- 1 month and 3 weeks, or August 2, 2016 ( I calculated that if I'm wrong don't mind it also the summer is extended because of the wedding)
WP- Bride's maid?
E- Queen Mal, Princess Audrey, Jane, Lonnie and Princess Ellie ( Evan's girlfriend and daughter of Queen Elsa and Jack Frost)
WP- Groom's men?
J- King Ben, King Evan, Carlos, Prince Finn (Rapunzel's son, Audrey's boyfriend), and Prince Chad
WP- Flowers?
E- Dandelions and Cyanocrocus
WP- Colors?
J- Blue and Yellow
WP- Parents?
E- Evil Queen and Jafar
WP- OK, I'll sort this out, oh wait! What about the invitation?
E- We'll do it.
WP- For the reception?
J- We'll have another planner.

Reception Planner- What place?
E- Auradon Hotel
RP- What time?
J- 5 PM
RP- How many tables?
E- 8, and 6 seats each
Rp- For the food?
Jevie- (told the planner about the food and other things)

E- OK invitation.
J- I got it, it will have the letter's J and E in the envelope. And it will be color's Blue and Yellow. Then the saying will be............

You are invited to Jay and Evie's Wedding.
3:30 pm at Auradon Church.
Reception at Auradon hotel at 5 PM.

Groom's men.          Bride's maid
King Ben.                 Queen Mal
Prince Finn.            Princess Audrey
Carlos.                     Jane
Prince Chad.          Princess Lonnie
King Evan.             Princess Ellie

Make sure to come at August 2, 2016.
E- OK, where were we last time
J- Kissing
Jevie- (kissing)

Jevie (Can't Stop Loving You) ContinuationWhere stories live. Discover now