5 years later

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Evie's POV
It's been 5 years! That was fast. Jay, Evan, and I are 25 years old. Ejay is 6 years old. The rest of the gang are in the 20's too. Bella is 5 years old and so is Luke. CJ, son of Carlos and Jane, Elize, my niece, Johnny, son of Jasper and Whitney, Andi, daughter of Audrey and Finn, and Erin, daughter of Edward and Kristine are 4 years old. Our children were best friends. We all lived in the same block. We all had houses so we were neighbors. Ejay is still complaining because he's the eldest. But things were very fine.

Ev- hi guys!
Jevie- Hi.
Ev- So you know how many years we said that Ejay's a Prince?
J- Yeah
Ev- Well I have something to say, they say that if the brother of the King is a prince then the child is a prince But you are a commoner.
J- (nodds)
Ev- Since you are my sister they say if the sister of the King is married to a commoner then Ejay has no title.
E- So he's not a-
Ev- But..... The King can give a title to his nephew if he wants to.
J- So your giving him a title?
Ev- of course

Next day at 6:30 am
Evie and Ejay goes down the stairs.
Ev- Good morning!
Ejay- Uncle Evan!
E- Evan? When did you get here and how?
Ev- Number one I came here around 5. And number two you gave me a key.
Ejay- Uncle Evan what are you making?
Ev- Pancakes
Ej- Yes!
E- Where's Ellie and Elize
Ellie- Here!
E- Hey Ellie! Hi Elize!
Ev- Where's Jay?
E- Well-
J- Here (as he goes down the stairs)
E- Hi! (Kisses his cheek)
Ej- Hi daddy!
J- hi!
Ev- Breakfast's ready!
Everyone goes to the table.
E- Did you add strawberries here?
Ellie- Also in mine.
Ev- Yes
J- Did you add blueberries here?
Ev- Yes also in mine.
Ej- Did you add chocolate here?
Elize- Mine too?
Ev- Yes
J- OK I'm going to work. Bye! (Kisses Evie's cheek)
Everyone- Bye!

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