CHAPTER 3- The Streets

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Every cell in my body is commanding to get out of here, to just run and not look back. But I cannot. And it's hurting me. Like I am fighting against gravity. After the letter was delivered to me, the twins decided that it would be my best option to come here, at The Streets. And I have to say, the scene here is exactly like I had imagined. Like straight out of a movie. It is a large stretch of a dirt road with a big bar at one side. Loud music is blaring out from speakers that seem to be invisible. The people in the crowd sure are living up to the stereotype. Guys dressed in the same old jeans, t shirt and jacket. Girls dressed in....... well they are hardly dressed.

"Well, here we are. But where are we supposed to go?" Kendra asks looking around disapprovingly. This is surely not her scene. Kaitlyn on the other hand fits in here perfectly. She is sporting jean shorts and a black crop top. Her pink hair is an added bonus. She even got suggestive looks from some guys on our way here. A wide grin on her face tells me she is very much enjoying all this. I know we will lose her in the crowd soon so Kendra should be helpful right now. 

Someone puts their arm around my waist from behind and pulls me towards them. My surprised eyes meets another pair of baby blue ones. The guy holding me has a very very handsome face. I freeze for a moment staring in his eyes. But then the smirk plastered on his face snaps me out. He is the devil. The reason behind my situation. I push him away from me and glare at him.

His smirk widens and he holds his hand forward "I don't think I had the chance to introduce myself. I'm Damon Salvatore. It's a pleasure to meet you." He pauses, waiting for me to respond and when I don't he continues "I see that you took my instruction very seriously. You look very sexy in that dress Mia." I look at him surprised. I had specially chosen my clothes in defiance of his note. I have on a simple black jeans and a full sleeved black t shirt.

"Black becomes you sweetheart." He answers my unspoken surprise. "Anyway we should not waste any more time. The race is scheduled in ten minutes. Let's go." He holds his hand out for me.

I am lost, confused. First this guy acts like a douchebag, dragging me against my will and now here he is being an amazing gentleman. I let out a frustrated sigh. I look at his still outstretched hand and then his expectant eyes.

"Why?" I whisper. "Why are you doing this?"

He does not answer me. Instead grabs my hand and starts walking towards the crowd. It is now that I notice that I have lost Kaitlyn and Kendra somewhere. I keep walking behind the devil towards my awaiting fate. I have no idea what is about to go down but I pray that I come out unharmed. The devil stops when we reach the middle of the crowd. I can see two sports cars parked and two guys standing near them. One of them is the creepy Jackson guy. When his eye catches me walking towards him, he winks at me and I shudder in disgust.

"Yo, what up man?" the other guy greets the devil. He seems like the definition of tall, dark and dangerous.

"What are we waiting for? Let's ride."

"You sure seem to be in a hurry to get your ass kicked Salvatore." Jackson guy sneers at him.

"We'll see 'bout that." The devil just laughs it off.

I watch the exchange between them interestingly.

They get in their cars and start their engines. On the count of three, they are off zooming into oblivion. I stand there nervously, biting my lip. I honestly can't decide who I want to win.

After about twenty minutes later, I see the black car coming back towards us. The crowd goes wild as the devil gets out.

A minute later we see Jackson's red car approaching. He gets out, his face flush with anger and embarrassment I guess. He strides over to the devil and hands him his car keys and walks away without looking back. The crowd goes back to enjoying the party and the devil stops in front of me.

"So what now, huh? What are you going to do with me?" I ask him fiercely trying to hide the fact that I am freaking out inside.

He gives me an amused look. "Why would I do anything with you?"

"Didn't you just win me?" I ask him, confused.

He starts laughing at that. I look at him, completely humiliated and outraged.

"Listen here sweetheart. I just wanted Jackson to agree to this race with me. And the best way was to bring a girl in. So here you are." He says as if it's the most natural thing.

"So you used me to get him to agree to race you? That's it? Why? Why did you want to race him so badly?"

"I liked his car."

"This whole fiasco....just for a car??"

He shrugs at that.

"What if he had won? What about me then?"

"Then you wouldn't be standing here. Anyway that doesn't matter. Now that I have won, let's celebrate."

"So you don't care? You just drag an unknown girl in the............... You completely disgust me!"

That being said I walk away from the very frustrating and infuriating human I had ever interacted with. But I could not ignore the small feeling of relief that crept up, keeping me calm.

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