Chapter 1

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"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."  – C.S. Lewis

"Macy, look what I've bought!" Amanda pushes Macy aside and walks through the door. She clearly isn't going to wait for an invitation.

"Please, do come in," Macy says. She's slightly annoyed at Amanda's behaviour, but it must be really important, since her friend isn't usually like this.

Once in the living room, Amanda realizes the rudeness of her action. Of course she is sorry, but there's no time to apologize now. She really has to show Macy what she bought.

"Look at this," Amanda says enthusiastically. 

"Wow, that's just great. Your hand."

"Yes, and you know what's even better? What's in my hand." 

What could be in there? Macy wonders, while she looks at Amanda's hand with curiosity.

Amanda slowly opens her hand and shows Macy what's inside.

"Seriously? Is that all?" Macy is clearly not impressed.

Amanda is holding four ordinary rings. There's really nothing special about them. The only thing that stands out is the ugliness of the colours. Two of them are green, but not a pretty kind of green. They might even be the ugliest version of green Macy's ever seen. Same goes for the yellow ones.
Then it hits her. They must be old. Probably antique. "Where did you get them? They must be worth a lot?"

"I got them at the flea market."

"What? Are you seri-" Macy quickly shuts her mouth. Amanda must've bought the rings for a reason. Maybe she actually thinks they're pretty.

"The moment I saw the rings, I knew I had to buy them. I bought two for you."

Macy tries to look like she's very happy with the rings, but her face already says enough.

"You don't like them?" Amanda asks, a tad disappointed. She looks at the rings and realizes they're not very pretty indeed. Why did she buy them anyway? At the time, it seemed like a great idea. The rings seemed so special, it was almost like they told her to buy them. But now she just feels silly. What was she thinking?

"You know, I think it's very sweet of you." Macy feels a bit guilty for reacting the way she did while Amanda was just trying to give her a present. She grabs one of the yellow rings from Amanda's hand and puts it on her finger. 

"Macy, you don't have to-" Amanda stares full of disbelief at the place where Macy was standing a few seconds ago. She just vanished before her own eyes. "M-Macy? W-where are you?" Amanda stammers. Macy couldn't possibly walked away this quickly. She should've seen that.


"A-Amanda... W-what just happened?" 

Just a moment ago Macy could feel the solid floor beneath her feet, but now she's definitely standing on a field of grass. 

"Where am I?" she wonders while she looks around curiously.

All around her are leafy trees and there are also a couple of streams. What's most noticeable is the huge amount of trees. She can't even see the sky anymore because of them. This, strangely enough, doesn't keep a powerful light from trickling through the trees. The light illuminates everything around her, which makes everything even more beautiful.
At first she's alarmed and a little scared, but soon a feeling of total relaxation fills her body. It's like everything's okay. Like there's only good in this world and there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magical RingsWhere stories live. Discover now