Chapter 14

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"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear." – C.S. Lewis

The first thing Amanda does after hearing what happened to Macy, is search for Lucy. If there's one thing she's learned from watching the Narnia movies over and over again, it is that Lucy has a small bottle filled with a very powerful medicinal potion. It can heal all wounds.

"Lucy!" she anxiously exclaims. Tears sting in her eyes as she runs around the battle field, followed by Thomas.

"Amanda, what are you doing?" Reepicheep shouts in her ear.

She looks beside her and sees Reepicheep, standing on Thomas's shoulder, trying his best to keep himself steady.

"I'm looking for Lucy," she sobs. "But I can't find her anywhere."

Thomas grabs her by her arm and pulls her to the left.

"Thomas, what are you—" She stops talking when she sees Lucy standing in front of her. 

"Amanda, what's going on?"

"Your cordial. I need it! Macy's badly wounded."


"How sad, little King," the Witch grins. "Your sweetheart stabbed by a simple Calormene, I couldn't have thought of a better scenario."

Edmund looks at her with tears in his eyes. He lifts his sword into the air and runs to her, but before he gets the chance to stab her, she hits him again with her tail, causing him to fall to the ground. He quickly gets up to try again, but it's useless. She's too strong.

He jumps when he sees Aslan in the corner of his eye, running towards the Witch, who jolts back in fear. 

Aslan roars as loud as he possibly can. The ground starts trembling and quaking and the foundations of the mountains shake. All of the Calormenes drop their swords and start running away, afraid of what might happen if they stay close to Aslan.

The ground starts splitting around the Witch. She looks at Aslan with fear in her eyes. She never thought he actually existed, let alone that he would be able to defeat her. 

Aslan roars once more, causing the ground to shift away from under her feet.

The Witch screams as she falls and disappears in a big black hole.
The moment she's gone the ground starts shifting back, making it look like nothing has happened.


Edmund runs to Macy, who's lying on the ground. He kneels down next to her and wraps his arms around her. "M-Macy," he stutters, as he gently strokes her cheek. 

"E-Ed, I-I—"

"Shh, you don't have to say anything. It's alright, help's on its way. You're going to be fine, I promise."

"E-Ed... there's no time. You have to know that—"

"No," Edmund sobs. "You can't leave me, I need you."

Something in Macy's eyes seems to chance. "W-what did you just s-say?"

"I need you. I know I shouldn't have kissed you when I did, it was too soon. But you have to know I didn't just kiss you. I can't really explain it, but from the moment I met you I knew you were the one for me."

Macy's eyes are filled with tears. "Edmund Pevensie... I lo—"

"Please, stay with me," Edmund begs.

"I love... I love you."

"Macy," Edmund exclaims when she closes her eyes, terror sounding through his voice. 

"Please tell me I'm not too late," Amanda says as she sits down next Edmund. She takes the bottle and brings it to Macy's mouth.

Edmund helps her by opening Macy's mouth as Amanda pours the potion in. Thomas and Reepicheep sit down next to Amanda and wait until something happens, but they don't see any changes. Macy's lying still on the ground, surrounded by blood. 

"Maybe I was too late," Amanda sobs.

Thomas pulls Amanda in an embrace, holding her tightly as tears stream down her face.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda," Reepicheep says, as he strokes her knee with his tiny hand.

She reaches for Edmund's hand, trying to somehow make him feel better. She knows he must be as devastated as she is.

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