The Hospital

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Jamie's POV


The noise fills the silent room like a scream in an empty corridor.


Is this what heaven sounds like?


I start to slowly open my eyes. The light is really bright, so I immediately shut them again. The beeping keeps going. It's slow and very annoying. It makes me want to see where it's coming from. I do my best to hold my frail hand over my eyes then I open them. I can now make out most of my surroundings. The first thing I notice is that there is no way that heaven would look like a hospital room. I try to sit up and look around. On the other side of the corridor is Demi, sitting upright in her bed, fiddling with what appears to be a pencil. On her left is Michelle, who seems really traumatised. Edward is on the next bed down and is trying to comfort her as best as he could. On my right is Finn. He is still unconscious. Just past him is Lucia, looking really worried for him. To my left lies Sarah. She is just lying there in her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Past her are Jakob and Tash is opposite him. Between Tash and Demi lies Cooper. He looks in a very bad way and it seems that the beeping is coming from his side of the room.

"Ok, Jamie. Good to see your awake." the Doctor says as she walks in the room. Sarah sits up and looks over to me. She smiles then lies back down again. "You all seem now to be in a stable condition, except Cooper. We might have to hold on to him for a few more days. You should rest for the day and you should be fit to go tomorrow." she continued.

"What has happened to Cooper?" Tash asked nervously.

"Cooper was the last we found by 10 minutes, so he was exposed to the radioactive waste for longer. Some of his bones have been disintegrated so we have to perform surgery to replace them." the Doctor explained. Everyone immediately checked their skin for damage. Demi had some damage on her left arm. So did Tash and Finn. Lucia had skin damage on her right leg, as did Jakob. I had some serious damage on my chest and part of Sarah's left cheek was burnt off. Sarah screamed a little and muttered something about me never loving her again, which, personally, I didn't intend to do anyway.

We finally got out of hospital. Cooper was still in, though, so we had to wait around for a few more days before we could leave Japan. We spent most of it trying to calm Michelle down, who, apparently, is now having nightmare about missiles, planes and nuclear waste. I hope she isn't scarred for life and I hope everyone shares my thought.

"The Power Plant has been shut down, miss. It will be closed for a couple of days. It looks like our plan worked. There is no way they would have survived the radiation explosion. We totally owe it to the new guy, Mitch. He's better than that traitor, Jamie. Right, Belinda?"

"Indeed, Sarge. Indeed."

"Urg." I feel terrible...", we heard Cooper moan. We all turned around and saw him. We then all screamed and cheered and shouted and had a small celebration that we were all back to normal.

"I think we should get home now." Lucia suggested. "I'm sure our parents heard about us on the news so we should stop them worrying and preparing our funerals. We all agreed and took the next flight back to Australia. We all sat next to the person we sat on the way to Japan (if that makes any sense) and we arrived late that afternoon. All of our parents were over the moon to see us and we felt the same to them. We were allowed to take tomorrow off school after exhaustion, Cooper took the next three days off, and then return back to our normal lives. Ha! What a funny joke. 'Return to our normal lives'? Man, I crack myself up sometimes! There was NO way in HELL that we were EVER going to go back to being normal everyday school kids because our adventure to the Power Plant had just changed our lives forever. And what's worse was that we didn't know it until it was too late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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