Chapter 17: Moonlight sorrows

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Harry pov:

Harry wondered into the cool dark night. He allowed his feet guide him towards the one place that seemed to brush his thoughts away. The lake was beautiful underneath the full moon. The water reflected the moonshine towards the frosted grass. Harry looked up as he had saw the water move slightly and wasn't surprised when he noticed Percy sitting with his feet in the lake. Harry watched him for a moment before walking towards Perch and sitting by his side. "Rough night?" Percy's words spoke softly to Harry. Harry nodded. "Nightmares of loved ones  are always the worst." Percy continued. "Fear of them just makes them stronger and harder to pull away." The way Percy said the words, was as though he spoke from experience. But before Harry could ask, Percy spoke once more. "Yes. I have them too. Nightmare or memories; or really a mixture of both. It's like your mind takes the worst of her heart ache and make it 10 times more painful every night. " Percy sighed as he flicked a rock across the lake and it landed on the other side. "But your not alone Harry. You have family left that will help you get threw the tough times, even when you least expect it. I know sometimes the hardest thing is to ask for help but the effect is always better. Your friends are hurting nearly or as much as you are. Never forget there is always someone that loves you. And from what I saw, you have a whole castle at your fingertips." Percy stood and gave Harry a small smile as he walked away. Harry was stunned into silence. This Percy character always gave him something to think about even when he wasn't trying to. Harry was left stunned, confused and puzzled. 'What if Percy is right. What if keeping everything to myself is really hurting me more' Harry sighed. He looked up at the full moon. Lupin. He thought before standing to his feet and making his way back to the castle.

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