Chapter 26: The shake in the day

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Chapter 26:

Harry's pov:
Harry was pacing back and forth in Percy's room. Percy had told Harry to come and wait for him after class. Percy had said there was something important to tell him. But Harry couldn't think of what. 'Did he finally hear from Nico? Is Voldemort alive? How did Nico find out?' So many thoughts ran through Harry's mind.

Harry hadn't noticed he had stopped by Percy's beside table. The picture was starring up at him. Harry sighed and picked it up again. As he starred at the photo he remember the night a week ago he came down here to ask Percy for some advice. Percy had left the room for a moment and Nico had reappeared out of no where and laid a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry had jumped not knowing Nico was there but then asked him about the photo. Nico had sighed and walked over towards the draw that had the objects hidden away. Nico pulled out the ruby and looked sadly upon it. He played with it in his hands before he finally spoke. "They were his friends but they were more like family to each other. They had their good days and their bad ones" Nico started of. And Harry understood perfectly. He thought of his own friends and it made him smile but he lost it when the next words came out of Nico's mouth. "But they were all murdered." Harry's eyes widen but he didn't interrupt. "We were facing our own war last year. It had been going on for month. The seven of them went to the heart of the battle field. We all waited. Hoping. Praying they would come back to us. A mouth had passed since the war and there was still no sign of any of them. But a week later Percy came  stumbling through the barrier and I had never seen him so bad. And no I was just talking about his appearance but his soul as well. He locked himself away in his room for a month. No one heard a single thing from him. And well I finally couldn't take it anymore. I barged into his room and that's when I Percy told me everything. I had never seen him so broke. He held in his hands the fallen objects of his family and it was the last time I saw him cry. He went from depressed to warrior. He had told me, he couldn't allow others to see him weak because then our camp will never be the same. From there on out Percy was training harder then before and made sure to help anyone he could. He never let another person get close to him." Nico finished his story and placed the ruby back in the draw. "Anyway. Don't tell Percy I told you. And I must be on my way." With those words Nico was gone once more and Harry was brought back to the present.

Harry look at the picture once more and then the draw. He sighed and closed his eyes wishing he could help bring these people back for Percy. The ground started to shake underneath Harry's feet. The picture had fallen of the night stand and shattered. The draw beside Harry fell out and crashed to the fall, making all the objects scatter to the floor. The ground was still shaking. Harry fell to the floor. He quickly covered his head with his arms just in case something would fall and hit him. A few moment later the shaking stopped but Harry didn't move for a moment, making sure the ground had officially ended.

Slowly Harry sat up and turned to the photo. 'Oh no. It's ruined' he thought as he picked up the photo. And slowly stood and placed in back on the nightstand and pulled out his wand. He was about to repair it when he heard a voice behind him. "Um. Excuse me. But where are we?" It was a girls voice, Harry could tell. He quickly turned around and his eyes widen. There, there was standing.......

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