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It all started with him. He was way too perfect for me. Well so I thought. But not so much. He was always mine until this little bitch herself had to come and ruin our perfect relationship. Her name was Savannah Adams. She hated me and you could tell that I disliked her very strongly. I just wanted him all to myself and I had him for a couple months but then something changed. 

But I wish I could go back to where when him and I were never apart but this is starting to be a whole different story. 

"So there we were. Once upon a time, during the storybook version of dating we'd gone through, I'd pretended that it was possible to love her when I only mildly liked her. Now I had no desire to pretend we'd ever be in love, and I liked her madly.

'Can we try to be wise with each other for a very long time?' I asked her.

She laughed. 'You mean, can we share our fuckups and see if we can get any wisdom out of them?'

'Yeah,' I said. 'That would be nice."

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