Music is the one thing that I love the most now days. It saves me from things I cant ever escape from. It makes me have a lot of mixed emotions every different and single song that comes on always plays around in my head and stays there like they cant get away. But that's okay I have a lot of memories and thoughts in my mind that I need to have something other than suicidal thoughts or thoughts of me losing my father. But I cant go back there I just cant. It just makes me feel dead myself when I think about my mom. But I'm just not ready to give her up and just forget that doesnt sound like something I would do in my life. But I keep telling myself its okay to be sad, and it's okay to miss her. But I just can't forget important to me she was my life my best friend my whole world. And I need her here with me it should have been me to go and not her.
I think that
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. But that is a whole different story....
Meet me in the middle
Adventure"I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you."