Chapter 21

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I was in my room, looking out the window. I was so tempted run away again, but never come back this time. My life was kinda shit before, but I've always found the will to keep on going. There was always something that made me appreciate life, no matter how small. But now I was so emotionally drained that I started wondering what was even the point in living. I couldn't be optimistic, pessimistic, realistic, whatever, I just accepted life around as it was. Being awake was tiring, thinking was tiring, every day I waited for night to come so I could just cry myself to sleep again and again.
It was quite funny actually, it's only been a week, but it felt like forever.

"You shouldn't plan on running away again," said somebody behind me. I recognised the voice, but it was someone I didn't know could be here, and quite honestly, nor did I want them here.
"What's the point? I'm just a burden to everyone at this point," I muttered.
"You're not." I turned around to face the person who used to be my friend. I believed he wanted to say he's sorry, try making me feel better, but I knew it wouldn't work. The red luminous figure told me he was one of the Stars, but I also knew he was my so called 'guardian'. Mitch

"What are you doing here, why are you here now? Why couldn't you be there when Hawkfrost, Tempest and Lara died?" I asked angrily.
"I couldn't do anything about it," replied Mitch and looked away.
"Isn't that what you were supposed to do?! I ended up in this hell just so you could live and yet, you dead bastards do nothing but sit up there and watch me be in pain!" I started shouting at him. He looked calm and his eyes told me that he thought he deserved this.
"Icee, let me explain," he said. I kept the angry sigh to myself and looked away, feeling tears of sadness and anger in my eyes.
"There actually was a way for Lara to get past the hallucination, she just did the wrong thing, we couldn't do anything about it. Nobody could save Tempest because he didn't have a guardian. Lara and you both did wrong, so don't blame just yourself. If you both apologised to each other and started talking again, Supah probably couldn't even use your weakness to his advantage," explained Mitch calmly. I wanted to shout at him, but I felt the anger within me dying down. Instead, I realised that I started crying again.
"So I should've just apologised to Lara? That was it?"
"Nobody could've predicted what was going to happen," said Mitch. He put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up.
"You've risked yourself for the greater good more times than and of us would ever dare to, I respect you deeply for that, you're the reason I'm still alive. You don't deserve to hate yourself this much over this one mistake."
I looked at the nightstand where I left the amulet which kept me and Mitch connected. I kinda stopped wearing it because I hated Mitch and I knew it wouldn't make a difference anyways. But now I knew just how wrong I was and I felt horrible for it.
"Hawkfrost, Tempest and Lara are not entirely dead yet, just like the rest of us who died in Labyrinth, they're Stars now. Although he knows he can't, Hawkfrost is always willing to fight by your side, Tempest always watches over you, constantly worrying if you're okay and Lara hates to see you like this," said Mitch kindly. I was happy, but I was also sad. I thought I could keep the tears in but the confirmation that my friends are all out there and not hating me at all was too much. Mitch hugged me.
"Thank you so much," I whispered.

"I'd just like to ask you one thing," said Mitch, ending the hug and looking into my eyes. I nodded, he managed to make me feel better after I've been sad for so long, I was willing to do almost anything in exchange.
"Don't give up, alright? You're by far one of the strongest people I know, if not the strongest. Watching you and knowing your story I was just wondering how come you haven't given up halfway through. I can't even imagine how hard what you must be going through is, but I know that you'll pull it through you always do, so just keep that in mind and be the real survivor like you've always been."
"I think I can do that," ever since Tempest died, I haven't felt happiness. Ever since Lara died, I didn't have the will to live. But this was all changed today, all only by what Mitch said to me. I knew it would be hard, but now I actually believed in myself, I believed that I'll get better and make it through.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you this," said Mitch, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a guardian amulet, but I've never seen this one before. It was like a ring, except it was flat. It was colored three colors, violet, icy blue and a steel like shade of blue.
"I think you know who these are," Mitch said and smiled, "they'll be your new guardians now."
I was happy for a second, but then I realized I didn't know why Mitch was doing this. He had already stood up, walking away.
"What about you?" I asked. He suddenly stopped and his smile faded away.
"Do you remember when Diamond said that we guardians can only come to save you when there's no way at all you can save yourself? When almost every possible scenario leads up to you dying too soon. I wasn't allowed to be here, I came myself," he explained. He was still calm, but far less hopeful and positive than he was before.
"What will happen to you?" I asked quietly. I almost didn't want to know the answer.
"Chances are, I'll be killed, for real this time," he replied.
"You'd die, just to make me feel better?" I whispered, feeling tears of sadness returning to my eyes. He looked me in the eyes and smiled sadly.
"You're worth dying for."

May 17th 2016

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