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Hey loveys! (Thats what I'm calling you so deal with it(: ) so anyway. I'm in study right now. I finishe all my homework so i figured why not write a little bit!




Ty's POV

I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. It was still dark out. I looked in the mirror but i didnt see regular old me. I saw a monster me. Looks like what the fans would call Enderlox. Purple eyes, fangs, snake like tounge, messy hair, wings and a tail. " Hi Deadlox, I'm back." The reflection said. No how could he be back. I havent heard him since last time at the hospital. He will be the death of me. He's the damn voice in my head that made me make these scars. Why is he back? I screamed, i found myself back in my bed with Adam holding me.

"Shh Ty, it's ok it was only a dream." He said intertwining his fingers with mine. I cried into his chest. The crew came in.

"Everything ok?" Jerome said.

"Yea he just had a bad dream." Adam said.

"Oh ok. Well wake up early we gotta pack for PAX East tomorrow."

"Holy shit i totally forgot about that!" I said with a little relief.

"Yea doods i cant wait." Mitch said.

"Get some rest guys, goodnight." Jason said closing the door.

"Its ok Ty. I'm right here." Adam said kissing me on the head. "I love you"

"I love you too." I whispered then drifted to sleep.

~short time skip~

I woke up and smelt bacon. Jerome must be cooking. He loves to cook. I noticed Adam was gone so i assumed they were all ready to leave for the airport. I got showered and dressed. I packed my clothes an laptop, through on my headphones and walked downstairs.

"Good morning cutie." Adam said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Good morning." I smiled. Today i actually felt in a good mood.

"Well eat up, we gotta head to our house so we can pack." Jason said nodding at all of us.

"Uh I'm good I'm not hungry. Im all set to leave."

"Yay more food for me!" Mitch said running to the plate of bacon. Everyone laughed. Jerome more than any of us, he was practically on the floor laughing. When Mitch finished his bacon i wrapped up the rest and put it in the fridge. We headed out the door and i locked it. I put the key in my pocket and grabbed Adam's hand. We got some looks from a married couple moving in. We ignored it. Me and Adam got in Jason's car, Mitch and Jerome got in Jerome's car. I guess Quentin drove in his own car last night. When we arrived to their big house Quentin was all set and ready to go. "What took you guys so long?" He said

"Bacon, that's what." Mitch said rubbing his stomach. We all laughed. Again Jerome was on the floor. They all packed up an we headed to the airport.


Mitch's POV

I shouldnt have eaten that bacon. I feel sick now. When we arrived at the hotel we saw Ryan(xRPMx13) Seto(i dont know his real name), Martin(Bodil40), Jordan(captinsparklez), and Tyler(munchingbrotato). We got our rooms. I was with Adam, Ty, Jerome, and Jason. The rest were in the room next to us.


Jerome's POV

When we unpacked our stuff and headed down to the showcase area to set up. We set up our tables and chairs. Put out our t shirts and posters out on the merch table. When we were heading out the door two girls walked by us. One had brown hair and red eyes. She wore a black, white and red shirt with a white tank under it, black shorts and black converse. Her friend though was the one that caught my eye. She had blue hair and blue eyes. She wore black shorts, a white v-neck, black coverse, a blue headset, and blue braclets. She was gorgeous. I had to introduce myself.



So now I'm getting ready for dance team. I'm sitting alone cuz no one on the team likes me... Anyway. Who are these girls? Will they interfere with the story? Will Jerome introduce himself? Are you answering these questions?

Thanks lovelys


Right Here (skylox fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz