Merlin: A Vampire's Destiny

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Hey guys

This follows the story called Merlin: Turned which i did for halloween but people seem to want more of this so here it is :)

Please vote and comment and hope you enjoy reading it



I lay on my bed as the sun began to rise. I shouted at the top of my voice making my window slam shut. I had been cramped up in my room for two days and I hoped Gaius had finally succeeded in his plan to be able to allow me to walk out in the day time without burning up.

Gaius had explained that the sun light could kill me. Just another thing to hate about being a vampire, I disgust myself a lot from what I have become. I know Arthur had accepted it but it was clear he was a little edgy around me still and to be honest I didn’t blame him.

My door creaked open and Gaius came into the room quickly and closed the door. “I got it Merlin. Alright this ring has been enchanted and full of a potion within to allow you to stay out in the sun light but you must be careful because when the potion runs out you need to refill it and second if it falls of and you are out in the sunlight you will not have much of a chance. Don’t worry about the potion as I made plenty of it for now. Here you go,” he said passing me the ring.

I slipped it onto my finger; it was a perfect fit which was an upside. “Thank you Gaius,” I said.

We both went out into the main part of the chamber. Gaius sat down and began to eat and I moaned slightly. Being a vampire we don’t have to eat but ever since I have became one I want to eat all the time.

“I know you don’t want to drink blood but in the end you need to at least drink animals blood or you will be too weak, including your magic,” said Gaius.

“I am not having this conversation right now with you,” I said to him as I grabbed the plate of food on the table and ate it as quickly as I could before I headed towards the door.

“You will have to at some point, Merlin!” he shouted at me as I left the chamber and closing the door loudly behind me.

I headed to Arthur’s chamber quite quickly but as I opened the door I found Arthur already dressed and about to leave his chamber. What was he planning on doing today, so early?

“ are you out and about?” he asked me.

“Gaius got me this,” I said showing him the ring of my finger.

“So that allows you out in the sunlight then?”

“Yeah it does,” I smiled at him.

“That’s great. I am so happy things can start getting back to normal around here,” said Arthur as he patted me on the back before he left his chamber and I followed after him.  I suppose being a vampire isn’t all hard work but I had no idea about the threat slowly approaching Camelot.

Merlin: A Vampire's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now