Chapter Eight: They are twins

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Merlin’s POV

Nightclaw forced me down on the ground. “Now you will drink blood from a human,” said Nightclaw.

“No....I will not,” I told him.

“You will.”

Shadow stood nearby looking around. “There boss,” he pointed towards a woman walking through the woods.

“Everyone uses the forest as a short cut,” Nightclaw said to me.

I went to shout to warn her or do something but Nightclaw was too fast for me and kicked me in the stomach so I couldn’t breathe or speak properly. The time I got my air back and I could speak Shadow was already on her and I watched in horror as Shadow beat into her neck and her screams echoed throughout the forest.

I would have vomited if I could. Nightclaw gripped onto my arm and dragged me forward. He chucked me beside the emotionless body of the woman who was now dead. Blood dripped out her neck and Shadow backed away.

“Drink,” Nightclaw ordered. I shook my head. I can’t do this! Nightclaw grabbed me and forced my lips onto her neck.

“Drink now!” he shouted. I kept my lips shut, I wouldn’t do this to please him or impress him.

“Do it now or I will hurt Arthur,” said Nightclaw. Nightclaw has Arthur prisoner, he knew my weak spot. I sighed with annoyance and disgust with myself before I began to drink the blood from the body. I tried to stop a few times but Nightclaw kicked me in the back to tell me to continue.

I didn’t stop until hardly any blood was left. “Very good, Merlin,” grinned Nightclaw. I looked at him for a split second before I looked away from him. My destiny to protect Arthur clearly is in the toilet. I have no chance now and why should I. I’m this horrible creature thing and I just drunk.....I can’t even think about it.

Nightclaw and Shadow led me back towards there castle. It’s abandoned but it makes for a perfect place for them to live. We arrived back in the castle and found Arthur sitting on a chair tied up.

“Arthur you know Merlin. In due time you can go back to Camelot but we are still training him for now,” laughed Nightclaw.

“What do you mean?” asked Arthur looking at me. I knew I probably had blood all over me and my face. I looked away from him. I couldn’t look at him; he’ll hate me from now on.

“Merlin is one of us and we have been training him to be better. He has managed to drink blood from a woman Shadow killed in front of him. He is growing and as he grows his powers do too,” smiled Nightclaw.

“You forced him too. You must have. Merlin said he would never drink blood,” said Arthur.

I didn’t say anything. I had nothing to say. I’m horrible, a creature and I should just be killed. I am worth nothing and Arthur should just forget about me from now and forever.

I have no chance of going back to Camelot now, it’s too late. I am already one of them now. I’m a pure Vampire and nothing could change that. I still had the necklace around me which drains my powers but even if I tried to take it off, they would kill Arthur.

Uther’s POV

“I don’t care what you do. You will find my son!” I shouted

“It has been three days sire,” begun Leon.

“Go search the whole kingdom, even other kingdoms if you have too. You will find him!”

“Yes, sire,” said Leon before he left with the four other knights.

“I am concerned as much as you are sire but getting angry isn’t going to bring him back,” said Gaius.

“I know but I can’t help it. Aren’t you upset too, Merlin is gone and he is like a son to you?” I said.

“Of course I am but Arthur and Merlin have been through a lot in the past and they have come back safe and sound. It’s only been a few days. They will show up, I promise you that,” smiled Gaius.

Merlin’s POV

“Fight better!” Nightclaw shouted at me as two vampires charged towards me and I dodged them. I was trying to avoid using my magic at all costs as that is what they want me to use. I dodged another attack from the two vampires and tripped them both up and they fell flat on their faces.

I tried to think how I could get out of this but it’s impossible. Arthur is right next to Nightclaw and if I try anything he would hurt him or even kill him and I can’t allow that to happen to Arthur. I’ll have to stick this one out.

The two vampires took me off guard and forced me to the floor gripping tightly onto me and I began to lose my breath as they began to strangle me. I couldn’t breathe.

“That’s enough!” shouted Nightclaw.

As air came back into my lungs someone spoke who I recognised,”Don’t stop on my behalf, brother.” I looked over to find Lightclaw standing behind Nightclaw with Arthur safe and sound behind him.

“Lightclaw....Nightclaw is your brother?” I asked.

“How the heck does he know you?” asked Nightclaw.

“I met, Emry’s in the forest a while back and he saved my daughter. You never change brother,” he laughed.

“Why did you get Merlin to heal your daughter when you have magic and wait....Emry’s,” said Nightclaw confused.

“I saw the future and I knew I had to allow Merlin to save my daughter. Did you think you get away with this? Besides you choice the wrong person to turn into a vampire, yes he is Emry’s and you may not have magic like I brother but you heard the prophecies about him. I’m going to stop you once and you all. Being a vampire doesn’t have to make you evil. I live fine without drinking blood,” said Lightclaw as he looked over at me.

I didn’t know why I hadn’t notice it before. They looked so alike. They are twins.


Chapter 8 :)

One more to go and its over

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