Chapter Seven: Merlin drinks blood

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Nightclaw’s POV

“Get in there!” I shouted at the vampires around me. They all nodded and left apart from one, Shadow.

“What is it you wanted?” Shadow asked me.

“I wanted to congratulate you on finding us this new recruit,” I smiled at him.

“Oh yeah right, the servant boy Merlin. I thought you would be pleased. Only one other contains  magic and that is...” he stopped when I looked at him weirdly.

“Indeed that is why I am so pleased with you. You did a good job.”

“It was my pleasure and it was fun turning him,” he laughed.

“I bet it was. Let’s just hope it was a good idea though Shadow. Let’s hope he joins us,” I said to him.

“What if he doesn’t, he is quite stubborn,” warned Shadow.

 “You better hope he does or you will pay for it,” I said angrily at him. He nodded, “Do you wish for me to go help?” he asked.

“If you believe you can,” I laughed.

“Of course I can,” smiled Shadow evilly.

“Get on with it then,” I laughed as I stood looking at Camelot from a far distance.

Shadow’s POV

I reached near the castle when I saw Merlin in the middle of the field with Arthur and Vampire’s swarming around them, I grinned. I headed forward and the vampires allowed me through and when Merlin’s eyes met mine I saw the hatred towards me. I knew why and you probably know why too.

I had been the one to turn him. In his eyes I ruined his life. I’ve made him more powerful, more immortal. If he just drinks blood and joins us he would be able to do such amazing things and I need to convince him or I’m the one in the shit and I’ll probably lose my life. I don’t want that to happen, would you?

“You!” said Arthur.

“You remember me,” I laughed.

“You’re the one that turned Merlin. Why don’t you just leave him alone,” said Arthur.

“I can’t do that. Merlin is one of us now and he must learn the ways of being a vampire and come with us,” I said.

“That’s not going to happen,” said Arthur.

“You can’t stop us,” I laughed.

“Merlin can stop you,” said Arthur.

“I doubt that. He is weak and hasn’t even drunk blood yet. He can’t beat us.”

Arthur looked at Merlin and I could tell they were trying to think of a plan. “I wouldn’t even try,” I laughed.

“Merlin,” whispered Arthur.

“Why don’t we have a little bit of fun,” I laughed before one of the vampires grabbed Arthur and I stood in front of Merlin in five seconds flat, “You’ll learn to be fast like us in due time.”

“Leave Arthur alone!” he shouted at me.

“If you fight me we will,” I laughed. Merlin looked at me and simply nodded.

“Merlin. No!” Arthur shouted.

I charged towards Merlin but he shouted something and fire shot towards me and I had to dodge it. “Very good,” I laughed as I went at him again.

We both grabbed onto each other and started to fight and we tumbled to the floor but we continued. I bashed his head against the ground and he kicked me back and began to shout a spell. I rolled but the fire caught my sleeve. If it had been any closer I would have been burnt alive.

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