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≪ SECRET CRUSH ≫requested by @MadihaBhamani

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requested by @MadihaBhamani

Riley frowned, shuffling around in her chair as Maya gave her a sympathetic look. The brunette couldn't stop watching Lucas, who was at the counter ordering the trio's drinks. Maya knew about her best friend's secret crush on the Texan boy, but apparently, the brunette's feelings were not reciprocated by Lucas— he seemed to be happy being just friends with Riley.

She sighed heavily, staring at the floor and thinking of what it would be like if they were, in fact, more than friends. It would've been superb, Riley would've been even happier than she already was— and everyone knew she was already a very happy person. She just couldn't help but feel like she and Lucas would make a wonderful couple, and she really wanted to test her theory.

Unfortunately for her, Lucas only wanted to be friends, and nothing more.

"He'll come around," Maya assured her best friend, smiling. "You're beautiful and sweet and amazing, Riles— you've got nothing to worry about."

Riley smiled half heartedly at the blonde, mumbling, "Thanks, Peaches."

Maya opened her mouth to speak once again, but didn't get the chance when the door to Topanga's busted open. The girls jumped, gazes flicking over to the opening, where a frowning Zay walked in. Riley and Maya glanced at each other, sharing quick looks of confusion, before looking back to their seemingly upset friend.

"Hey," Riley said slowly. "What's wrong?"

"Vanessa dumped me," Zay answered in a soft tone, slumping down onto the chair beside Maya. The blonde's eyes widened as she looked at Zay, mouth agape.

"She what?" Maya demanded, placing a hand on Zay's shoulder. "Why would she do that?"

Zay shrugged, causing Maya's hand to fall, as he looked down at the floor. "I don't know. She didn't even give me a reason."

Maya looked at Riley, her lips curling into a frown— the blonde had a tiny little crush on Zay, and Riley knew about it. Still, she didn't want Zay to be unhappy, even if it was due to his new availability. He was single now, sure, but Maya didn't want him to be upset.

"I have an idea!" Maya's eyes lit up, her lips quirking up into a smile as her two friends turned to her. "Why don't we go to that pizza place you like so much?"

Zay smiled softly, letting out a quiet laugh in response to the blonde girl's question. Riley quirked an eyebrow at the two, crossing one leg over the other as she glanced back and forth between Zay and Maya. She didn't want to go with them for two reasons— first of all, Maya and Zay being alone was a better way for them to become more than just friends. Second of all, Riley couldn't just ditch Lucas after he paid for their drinks.

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