Day 1

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Wolf exhibit 12:00pm:

I’m lying watching the pup run around the exhibit. I see the birch trees swaying in the gentle breeze it would almost be peaceful if it wasn’t for the chain link fence separating me from the outside world. I hear the children howling trying to get the wolves to howl back. I watch the look on the parents faces as they look on with love at their children enjoying the zoo. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the children laughing the pups yipping the families talking. Everything seemed so normal for the situation I was in.

The pups were running around playing a similar game to tag and the crowd around seems to enjoy it. There all pointing at me saying, “She’s the mother.” As I bark at Chase to come over to me. Chase came to this horrible place a year ago and still doesn’t quite understand what this place is.

“Sissy, when’s lunch?” He asked through our mind link.

“Soon, Chase.” I replied.

I watch as he continues to run around the exhibit with very few cares in the world. If it wasn’t for him I would have attempted to escape from this place long ago. I think the hunters know this and they keep him around to make me behave. I look up and see the other wolf pups playing with him. Even though he’s younger he’s still bigger than the real wolf pups. I watch as his dirty blonde wolf jumps around yipping at the other to play with him. He is a cute kid and I think of him as my own at times. He looks up to me and I protect him from the hunters.

He has been here almost a year now and because of the fact that he’s a shifter he has grown up so fast in that time. He couldn’t talk before he got here and now he won’t stop when were alone. I try to teach him as much as I can but because I became a zoo shifter at a young age even I have a lot to learn. I look at him and smile and my little Chase. I just hope I can protect him from this world.

I hear a whistle and turn my head to see the hunter I hate the most staring at me from the other side of the fence. He is by far the worst I’ve encountered. He enjoys hitting, beating, starving and abusing the shifters here. I miss them… It’s been 5 years since another shifter was here besides Chase and I. They were sold to other zoos around the country to help keep the population of shifters thriving.

He calls me over to the fence. I take one look back at Chase and see him enjoying lunch with the other wolves. I get up and start walking my way over towards Alphonse, even the name brings bile up my throat. As I get close he starts walking to the inside den where they do the daily checkups on the wolves to see if they are healthy. I get nervous as it is enclosed and away from the public eyes.

I look at his face trying to judge exactly what he needs me for. But his face is stone cold. I sit by the door waiting for him to open it.

Clunk, clunk, clunk.

The door opens and I see not only Alphonse there but the other 2 hunters. I take a deep breath before walking into the examination cage. Looking around I see them all looking at me slightly angry. I sit and wait as they throw rags at me that I use to cover up as I shift back into my human form. I feel bare sitting here before them, in nothing but an old tiny top and shorts that barely cover more than a pair of underwear. I look at them all I search for one in particular. I see him James the nicest of the hunters he is also the youngest. He started here when we were both 16. Which I think is why I think he isn’t so harsh on me. Then there’s Jack he’s the boss he runs this zoo and the hunters. He is to be feared but not in the same way as Alphonse.

“You lied to us.” Alphonse said with a sneer.

As I’m sitting on the ground looking up at them, fear starts welling up inside me.

How did they find out?

My eyes grow wide as I realize I’m in huge trouble.

Alphonse smirks at me making me feel super uneasy and Jack steps forward really pissed off.

“Why would you lie to us?” He asks while bending down so he’s eye level with me.  My breathing becomes shallow and fast. “Answer ME!” He slams his hand on the cage. I look him in the eyes; I see his anger and make a tear fall from my eyes. “I…I…I...”

“OUT WITH IT!” Alphonse screams. 

“I’m sorry…” I look down and cry. Jack looks at me pissed off.  “Leave me alone with her.” Alphonse and James walk out leaving me alone with Jack.  He sighs… “You’ve made a big mistake not telling us.” I swallow the lump in throat. I stared at him hoping my punishment wouldn’t be too bad. “I’m sorry please…”

He slams his hand on the cage again, “WHY!?” “I was scared…”

“Well, it’s happening whether you’d like it or not.” “NO PLEASE!”  “You ruined this for yourself, now you get no say in the matter” He says as he leaves.

The door closes leaving me in the dark. I curl up into a ball in the corner and think about all the problems I’ve just made for myself. It’s my birthday in 3 days.


I’ve been separated from my parents I don’t know where they went. I’m sitting crying on one of the bench and a man comes up to me.

“Hey little girl where are your parents?” he asked

“I don’t know….”  “Come with me we’ll help find them.” “Ok” I responded while I took his outstretched hand. He led me to a building that looked official to the zoo and I was taken into an office looking room.

“When do I get to see my parents?” I asked the man.

He just looks at me and smirks. I start to feel like I shouldn’t be here. I start backing up towards the door when it opens and fall into someone. I look and see a terrifying man catch me from falling. I try to get out of his grasp but he is too strong. “Is this her?” The guy holding me asks. I look back and forth between the two men while pulling trying to get away. Tears are forming in my eyes as I see the original man nod. The other man smirks down at me. I don’t trust him.

The man now sitting behind the desk asks me a question a simple question. “How old are you?” I was scared I thought maybe… if I pretended to be a young kid they would let me go. “2” I replied. I think they knew I was lying the guy behind the desk squinted his eyes while looking at me. He then asked if I was lying. I looked down said “yes… I’m 3” I still lied. He nodded his head approving of my answer.

14 Years Later:

I sit there thinking about my tiny lie as a kid. It seemed like nothing to me then. But now I wish I had never said anything about my age. In 3 days I would be turning 18 I will be going to heat. The heat is my body trying to attract my mate towards me. Jack and the other hunters can’t risk him finding me. I wonder how they will keep him from finding me. But what do I do if he does… I can’t leave… if I do Chase will be left alone.

I just pray my mate doesn't find me.


Authors Note:

Hope you are enjoying this story, if you have any thoughts let me know in the comments. Like if you want me to continue it. Thanks so much.

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