Day 2

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Wolf Exhibit 8:00am:

I wake up and look around still being in the cage I was in before. I hear the door slowly open and James poke his head in. After seeing that I was awake he opened the door further and I noticed he had food so I sat up with a small smile spreading across my face. He slides the food under the door and sites on a chair making me assume it's his turn to watch me. I wet my lips preparing to talk. "Where's Chase?" "He's outside in the den with the wolves." I nod happy with the response.

It's quiet for a while between then he begins to stir causing me to look at him. He looks sad and like he wants to say something. "Why did you lie to me? I don't give a F*** about why you lied to them... but why me? ... I thought we were closer than that." He asked.

I flinch at the subtle harshness of his voice. "I couldn't risk it. I couldn't risk you guys sending me to another zoo to make more shifters to live this horrible life."

"I'm NOTHING like them and you know that! Just because my dad does this doesn't mean I want to be a part of it" He exclaimed.

"Then why are you?" I asked. He sighed and put his elbow on his knees holding his head. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it. I know you don't mean to be in this situation." I consoled him. He looks up at me and signs. "It's not going to good for you now that you lied." "I know..."

The door creaks open and out pops the great Alphonse. I glare at him as he walks over the cage door. The squeak causes me to flinch away instinctively. I see him spinning hand cuffs on his finger. He beckons me over with a finger. I slowly pull myself up so I'm standing and I walk over to him. As soon as I'm within reach of him he grabs my arm and turns me around so his chest is against my back. I hear him chuckle as he cuffs my hands behind my back. I feel him grind his hips against me ass causing me to cringe. As he sees that he grabs me and rams me into a wall smashing my cheek into the wall. He puts his face right up next to mine. "Don't cringe away from me, missy."

"Stop Alphonse, go take her to Jake." James says saving me from Alphonse's gross ways.

Alphonse pulls me away from the wall and starts pushing me towards the main door. After kicking it open I cringe from the sunlight. I look around and see were in the back walkway of the zoo grounds. I see Jake's office door in front of me and am excited because Jake is still not as bad as Alphonse but as we get closer I'm yanked backwards into a different room. I gasp as he covers my mouth. I feel his breath on my ear.

"I'm going to enjoy this" he says as he grabs my hips and pulls my ass against him. He starts rubbing himself against me and groaning. Knowing what will happen if I pull away I wait for him to get his fill.

The door slams open revealing Jake standing there. Alphonse jumps away from me causing me to fall on my side. Jake walks over and picks me up giving Alphonse a look as he does. Jake leads me down a flight of stairs and I see a door with only a small window and slot in it. Then I notice the big lock on it. I gulp as we get closer to it. The door opens and I see a bed, a small TV, a bookshelf and that's about it. Jake unchains one of my hands leaving one still chained. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him as he closes the door and sits down on a chair in the corner. He runs his hand over his face in exasperation.

"Alright, listen. Because in 2 days your heat will start we have to keep you in this room." I nod

"What about Chase?" I ask quickly

"He will stay with you until your heat start" I'm happy to hear that.

"If your heat doesn't end on its own, you know what we have to do." I look down sadly.

The door opens and I see Chase run in. I hug him and set him next to me on the bed and smile down at him. Remembering Jake is still here I sigh and look at him. He walks over and unchains my other wrists. "You should be fine without this for a while. We'll be back soon to bring you some lunch"

"Thanks." I say

"THANK YOU!" Chase yells after Jake as he closes the door.

"Hey sissy, you have a TV can we watch something?" He looks at me excitedly bringing me back to reality and giving me a sense of normality.

"Of course you can even pick what we watch." I watch as he runs and gets the remote and runs back to the bed and jumps up and turns on the TV. He flips through the channels until landing on Spongebob Squarepants. I feel a smile crawl across my face as we lay down on the bed and he cuddles into my side. He truly is the best part of this bad situation.

After watching TV for a couple hours I can tell Chase is getting bored so I go to the door and start knocking on it to see if someone can get us some things to do. I see Alphonse come to window and start to unlock the door. As soon as the doors open he grabs me by my throat and slams me into a wall choking me. I see Chase get a scared look on his face as he watches. As I gasp for breathes I see a giant smile come across Alphonse face, the sadistic bastard. He lets me go and I slump to the ground.

He bends down and gets in my face, "What did you want?" I gasp and wheeze "" I manage to squeak out. He stands up and leaves locking the door leaving me unknowing if we'll actually get games or not. I stand up and start walking to what I assume is the bathroom. I open the door and look at the simple shower, toilet, and sink. I walk over to the mirror and look at my neck seeing the bruises beginning to form. I feel something grab my waist hard and jump. Looking down I see Chase hugging me tight. I bend down and pick him up resting him on hip as he pulls my hair and tries to cover my bruises. I hug him tight.

"I love you, sissy." "I love you too Chase. Sorry you had to see that."

We hear the door open and some things fall to the ground. We wait until we hear the door close then while still holding Chase I peek around the corner and see a bunch of board games on the ground. I let out a sigh of relief and I walk over to the games and ask "What do you want to play?" "I wanna play Monopoly" "Ok, sweetie!"

After playing board games for a while I start to feel really hot. Oh GOD! I get up and start banging on the door! It swings open and I thankfully see James.

"It's starting early." I rush out

His eyes widen and he runs out grabs the handcuffs and yells at Chase to get out. He grabs me and pulls me to bed handcuffing my hands to the headboard. I start feeling the heat take over my body I need my mate to end this. I look at James as he's by the door and with one last look. He slams the door shut and before I black out I hear the door lock.


Authors Note:

Hope you are enjoying this story, if you have any thoughts let me know in the comments. Like if you want me to continue it. Thanks so much.

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