Part 27

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Heath gives me a big grin. My mouth falls open, not knowing what to say. I close it, only to open it again. I repeat this, a couple of times. I can feel the pull to him and all I want is to be in his arms, but I also want some space. Heath starts to look heartbroken. I was about to say something to him when a hand grabs my arm, spinning me around. My mom and dad were stood in front of me with their arms crossed.

"Where have you been?" I ask. "I left you messages and you didn't respond to them."

"We were home. There were no messages." My dad says confused.

"I called and you wouldn't pick up, it rang and everything." I say equally confused. My head begins to hurt and I start to feel claustrophobic. I look around trying to find an escape, and see that Tamara is walking towards me.

"Trixie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She says.

"It's fine." I reply.

"Didn't tell you what?" My mom asks. At that moment Geraldine comes storming over, closely followed by Tyler. My headache becomes even worse and I start to feel like I'm being suffocated.

"Why is she wearing that, again?" Geraldine asks angrily.

"Because I gave it to her, as she's my mate and going to be the next queen." Heath replies glaring at her. There is a different reaction from everyone. Tamara claps her hands happily. Tyler shows a small smile. Geraldine cries out in disapproval. My parents look shocked and slightly worried. What do I do? I stumble before falling to the floor, passing out. I've passed out a lot recently.


I open my eyes again to find myself on the floor of the ballroom. I was probably only out for a minute, as Heath is kneeling next to me, looking down at me worried. His unique green and blue eyes move quickly over my face, worriedly.

"Are you OK?" He asks. I nod.

"I think so."

"I'm going to get Roxie, don't move anywhere. We need to check that this isn't a repercussion from the crash." He says, going to get up. I grab his arm to stop him, and feel the sparks. I gasp and quickly let go.

"I was just overwhelmed; I don't need to be checked." I tell him. He sighs.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. He gives my hair a stroke, before helping me onto my feet. He doesn't let go of my hips until after I'm fully balanced. I blush and look away from him.

"Are you telling me, you're rejecting me?" He asks disheartened. I shake my head more vigorously than I wanted. He smiles.

"I've missed this." He says quietly. I don't know if I was meant to hear it, but I still give him a confused look. His smile falters but he shakes his head.

"Not now, I'll talk to you about it after." He says. "I need to go and accept the title soon, but I want you to accept me and the title first. I don't want to accept it without you wanting it too." He tells me. I take a deep breath. Do I want to be a royal? Do I want him? I don't want to think about it, so I say it without thinking.

"I accept you and your title."

Here you go! Hope you liked it!

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What will happen next when Heath has to accept the title?

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CC ;)

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