Rebirth of a Nation

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First, arriving in chains and shakles

Mind racing; prepared for battle

In a land not my own.

Stripped from my home,

Whipped, raped and frightened to the bone...

...I felt alone.

Then, they say 'we're free'

Was I supposed to be happy

That I was working for

Zero fees, pleading on hands

And knees

     Unable to read... please!

Finally, I began to fight.

Fought for liberation and rights

Fought not to see my brother's body

Dangling from great Oaks at night

Struggling to survive, vote, learn...

...and someday, we shall overcome.

They didn't want me to know.

When I figured it out, they implemented COINTELPRO...

...and, burned down my community.

But my immunity to downfall due to oppression

Left me standing in solidarity with

Those just like me.

Now, the day has arrived.

I must believe my eyes because

They never lied before.

If I walk up to the White House door and knocked,

A brown face would answer.

In a sea of faces pride spreads,

Similar to cancer, but not as negative

For the most part, they're letting me live

What once had to be taken, they now give...

...respect, admiration and the ability to have dignity.

(Even though, some still feel the need to depict me as a monkey.)

We finally – THANK GOD – We FINALLY

Got... us... FREE!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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