Chapter 28: Memories

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Juvia's POV (Did anyone noticed that this story always starts with Juvia's POV?)

"Brushed teeth, check. Wearing Gray-sama's gifts, check. Cellphone, check. Charger, check..." I said while fixing my things up inside my bag. You see, it's our date today. Juvia waited for this day to come, a date with him again.

Gray-sama's gifts, you ask? I'm wearing the necklace, couple ring, and earrings he gave. (Wow, what a complete set.) Well, today is a special day after all. In fact, there's only 6 days left before our anniversary and my birthday. I'm quite excited about it and kept on wondering what will we do on that day.

"Juvia! Gray's here!" My dad, Rave, called me. 

"Coming!" I shouted back, getting my bag. Before I exit my room, I took a quick look on the mirror. I was wearing a blue dress with frills on the bottom, a light blue jacket with a ribbon above my chest and white stilettos heels. Overdressed? Well, maybe. Since I want to look good in front of Gray-sama. Besides that, I'm wearing a light lip gloss and I didn't wear any make up, except that. 

I went down and kissed my father good bye. I went outside the house and saw Gray-sama's black car. I walked over there, happily. He opened the door, he's inside the car and I went inside. I pulled his collar and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Morning." I greeted.

It's only 8 in the morning. Well, the whole day is our whole date. He did promised that we will spend the entire weekend together. He smiled and said, "Good morning. Did you ate breakfast already?" He was wearing a plain white shirt, a black jacket, jeans and roshe run shoes.

I nodded. To be honest, I woke up at 4 A.M. because I was too excited for this day and I ate breakfast at 6:30. "How about you? Did you ate breakfast already? Wanna stop by at a restaurant?"

He chuckled. "I just ate breakfast, no worries. Well, what do you wanna do first?"

My eyes shined. I planned many things last night, things to do today. "A movie!"

"Movie? Well, sure but what movie?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Anything! Well, the truth is, I forgot to search for movies today. Let's just check what are the movies showing today."

"Sure, anything for my girl." He said and winked. I, of course, blushed. He started the engine and we rode off my house.


"Ace Ventura, White Chicks, Dead Pool..." I said, reading the signs. 

"How about Ace Ventura, it's a comedy movie." He suggested. Comedy, huh? I quickly nodded. "Yeah, sure! Anything what Gray-sama wants is what Juvia wants!"

He laughed at my enthusiasm. "Okay, okay. Let's go buy the tickets and popcorn." He said, holding my hand and intertwining it with his. He lead me to the counter and bought 2 tickets for Ace Ventura. Then, we bought popcorn and cola.

It's 8:30, the exact time when Ace Ventura's first show is gonna start. We went inside the cinema and sat down at the back. 

After a few minutes

"Would a real woman wear one of these?" Ace Ventura asked while trying to pull the wig out of the girl's hair but fails. I laughed at that part.

I ate a popcorn and continued watching. It's getting a bit chilly inside here. Well, all cinemas are like that. Gray-sama laughed while watching and I laughed with him. I suddenly hugged myself because it's getting colder.

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