Chapter 37: Biggest Decision

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It's been 2 months and a half now. They are all preparing for tomorrow's graduation: The day when they'll all cry because they'll miss each other, the day when you'll realize why school is a fun place after all.

Gray's POV

"Hmm... Let me see this." I pointed at the silver ring with a small diamond gem on top.

Yes, I'm buying a ring. A real ring that has a lot of meanings about love. And yes, I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend, Juvia Lockser.

You guys might be thinking that it's too early for us. But to me, it's not. It's just that, I don't want anyone to steal her away from me, even if we're in college. Who knows? There might be some jerk who'll steal her away from me and I want to marry her.

But boy, this is making me nervous. We can get married after college. Wait, what if she says no?






I'll just crawl in the hole if that happens...

"Here, sir." The girl gave me the ring I pointed earlier. I looked closely at the ring, thinking if she'll like it.

This is just an engagement ring but I want it to be special for her. Does she like big diamonds on top? Does she like them plain? I just want this to be perfect. This ring looks cute and good. I know she's the perfect girl for me, no doubt about it. I can't imagine myself with other girls.

"I'll take this." It might seem simple to you guys but, as they say: Simplicity is beauty.

"That will be 20,500 jewels." I payed for it in cash and put the ring in its box. I hid the box inside my bag and went out of the store.

Do you guys remember what happened 2 months and a half ago? About why Juvia cried? Until now, she hasn't told me the reason. As I said, I'll just understand her for now. It's not like I don't care about her issue. I do care. A lot, to be precise.

When I went inside my car, my phone suddenly rang and it was Natsu calling me.

I answered the phone. "What now?"

"Gray, you'll attend the party later, right?"

"Oh, shit. I almost forgot about that." I ran a hand to my raven hair in frustration. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for reminding me."

"Hahaha! Well, you're welcome. Aren't you going to tell us about your surprise for Juvia tomorrow? What should we do?"

I already told them about my proposal after graduation to Juvia tomorrow. Of course, they're part of the surprise. Even Mira-sensei and her boyfriend. I didn't tell Mr. Rave yet because I wanted it to be a surprise to him when Juvia says yes.

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