Chapter 2: Steps for a Perfect Date

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Gray's POV

Flashback: Yesterday.

To: Juvia Lockser
Juvia, I'll go to your classroom now because I have something to tell you. Reply to me if you're alone in there.
Send | Delete

I pressed send and I'll wait for her reply here, in the abandon classroom. I just have to talk to her about tomorrow, our date. I wanna ask her what to do.

~After 25 minutes

('・_・') huh?

Usually, she'd text back... In 2 minutes or 5. "Is she doing something today?" I asked myself.

I texted her, the same text again, and I'll wait for her reply for a while. This is so weird..

~After 45 minutes

"SERIOUSLY?!?" I shouted but no one can hear me. Its been 45 minutes and she didn't replied! What's wrong??? "She should be in the classroom right now."

~After 2 hours

"OKAY, THAT'S IT! I'M GOING AFTER HER!" I shouted as I walked towards the classroom.

Ugh, I can't believe it.. She didn't texted back even if I told her! This is getting me worried.. When I reached the classroom, I was about to shout Juvia's name but what I saw was, Juvia and the others cleaning the classroom.

She didn't even bothered to see her phone?

"You asked him on a date??" Lucy asked while blinking her eyes. "H-He's not the one who asked you??" Levy asked while cleaning the chalk eraser. "What the heck???" Erza exclaimed as she arranged the tables and chairs.

Are they talking about me?

"Well, yeah.. Gray-sama's the shy type so... Nothing would go well if I didn't ask him." Juvia answered back.

Ouch.. Actually, I was about to ask her out this Saturday but you got too forward.

"Juvia, don't you know that a boy should be the one who needs to ask a girl out?" Lucy asked. "I mean, like that's just so wrong."

Levy snickered and said "Hmm-Hm..! Says the person who asked Natsu out too."

Lucy blushed, remembering that. "A-Atleast, it's not our first date..!"

"Well, Lucy has a point." Erza said and nodded. "Juvia, you should've let Gray to ask you. You're being too forward."

My Real Girlfriend BOOK 2 ( A Gruvia Fanfic ) ✔Where stories live. Discover now